Bed Bug University Launches Three-Part E-Learning Module

The online training series features three 30-minute training modules on the following topics: bed bug biology and behavior; treatment tools and protocols; and the importance of monitoring.

LAWRENCEVILLE, N.J. — BedBug University has expanded its educational training to include a three-part e-learning module for pest management professionals.

The online training series, designed for pest management professionals, features three 30-minute training modules on the following topics: bed bug biology and behavior; treatment tools and protocols; and the importance of monitoring. The online training accompanies the other hands-on training that BedBug University already has to offer, including the four-day Boot Camp held in Lawrenceville, N.J., and the two-day roadshow courses that they offer across the country. 

One of the three 30-minute modules focuses on monitoring, which informs pest professionals on specific measures to help detect and eliminate bed bugs through the use of monitoring tools. As illustrated in the e-learning, monitoring programs are important to early detection and elimination through various techniques and tools. One important tool in a successful monitoring program is an interception device (traps used to capture bed bugs). Within the e-learning series, pest control professionals can learn exactly how to effectively implement interceptors into their monitoring programs as well as see the potential revenue by establishing a successful monitoring program. 
Pest control companies can purchase the BedBug University e-learning series for individuals or multiple employees through an annual site license. More information regarding the e-learning series or other educational training can be found on BedBug University’s website.