GREENSBORO, N.C. — The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on Oct. 10 issued Syngenta Crop Protection, Professional Products Division registration of the Impasse Termite System. With this registration, the company may now offer Impasse for commercial sale.
Impasse Termite System is a construction-grade, termite-proof sheet with the termiticide "locked in" between outer polymer layers. According to Syngenta, studies show that the Impasse Termite System protects homes from slab-penetrating termites three to four times longer than traditional liquid termiticides.
"EPA registration concludes a journey started five years ago when we recognized a strong marketplace need for an advanced treatment under the foundation of a home," said Karen Westcott, marketing manager, Syngenta Professional Products. "Impasse Termite System allows Syngenta, which has provided termite treatments for decades, to expand our expertise within the building and pest management industries."
The Impasse Termite System employs the active ingredient Lambda-cyhalothrin, an insecticide with excellent efficacy against termite species and other urban insect pests, Syngenta says. Because Impasse Termite System contains the insecticide within a multilayered plastic barrier, it provides construction-grade strength while presenting virtually no exposure to installers or release into the environment, Syngenta says.
For further information PCOs may visit
CLEVELAND, OHIO — To assist pest management and food-processing professionals meet the diverse challenges of designing and implementing effective fly management strategies, Pest Control Technology magazine announces dates for the PCT Fly Management Summit. The conference is scheduled for March 12-14, 2003, at the Sheraton Buckhead Hotel in Atlanta, Ga.
The PCT Fly Management Summit will feature speaker faculty of leading fly management researchers, consultants and industry practitioners. The summit format will place an emphasis on exchanging information, reviewing the latest research findings and developing control solutions.
The summit promises to deliver an in-depth educational experience for attendees and the opportunity to network with some of the sharpest minds in fly management. Conference highlights include:
• There is no other educational program dedicated solely to fly management practices that is as comprehensive or targeted.
• Experience two full days of in-depth sessions from leading fly management experts that address the specific needs of pest management professionals.
• Network with fellow industry professionals and build important relationships.
• Earn CEU credits.
• Receive an exclusive free preview copy of the Fly Chapter from the forthcoming 9th Edition of the Mallis Handbook of Pest Control due out in 2003.
• Return to work ready to apply what you have learned and raise the quality and effectiveness of your fly management programs.
For registration information on the PCT Fly Management Summit, call 800/456-0707 or go to
CLEVELAND – LESCO announced it has completed Phase I of its "Hub and Spoke" logistics network with the retrofitting of its existing distribution centers. Additionally, LESCO has launched Phase II of the network, which will include the opening of at least four new distribution facilities over the next 18 months.
"One of the keys to the LESCO model creating value is efficient, cost effective product distribution," stated Michael DiMino, president and chief executive officer. "We designed Phase I of our ‘Hub and Spoke’ network to support our current service centers and customers. Phase II will support our future service center expansion and continued sales growth."
The company has completed the retrofitting of its regional logistics hubs in New Jersey, Massachusetts, Ohio and Florida. This retrofitting included the re-engineering of operational processes, space planning and the reorganizing of distribution routes to service centers and customers for the optimization of delivery times and costs. LESCO Service Centers will be replenished during off-hours and direct shipments to customers will be managed regionally to provide the highest serviceability to its customers.
LESCO will open regional hubs in Georgia, Texas, Illinois and California during the next 12 to 18 months. When Phase II is completed, more than 95 percent of LESCO’s customer base will be within a one-day transit time from a regional hub.
MADISON, Wis. — Bell Laboratories has appointed Steve Levy as its new CEO. The former general manager of Bell oversees all business aspects, from sales and marketing to product development and research. Malcolm Stack, Bell’s founder, is maintaining the company’s presidency.
Prior to joining Bell in 2000, Levy worked in management and marketing positions for Bayer, Nestle Foods, Oil-Dri and the Golden Cat Corporation. With nearly 20 years of business experience, Levy continues to focus Bell’s efforts in product leadership to pest management professionals and distributors.
"We are committed to providing the best products, service and support in the industry," Levy said.
Levy holds an MBA from University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, and dual bachelor’s degrees in economics and psychology from the University of California, Los Angeles.
GREENSBORO, N.C. — Syngenta Professional Products announced in October that testing of its new insecticide active ingredient — thiamethoxam — for the control of termites and other structural pests is currently underway. Syngenta was recently granted an Experimental Use Permit (EUP) issued by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to begin testing thiamethoxam for the household market. Thiamethoxam is not yet registered for the control of termites and other structural pests in the U.S., and cannot be used for these pests until all federal and state registrations have been obtained.
A thianicotinyl insecticide, thiamethoxam is a second-generation neonicotinoid that eliminates pests by causing a cessation in feeding. Lab trials indicate excellent activity against termites and many household nuisance pests, Syngenta reports.
"Because thiamethoxam is non-repellent, termites are unaware that they have been in contact with the material," says Dan Kidder, technical manager, Syngenta Professional Products. "Within a few days, the termites stop feeding and die. After contacting the thiamethoxam-treated area, termites may survive for a brief period but the effects on the colony are soon apparent."
Thiamethoxam is in the first year of a three-year EUP. The product is being applied as a post-construction treatment at .025 to 0.1 percent rates (250 to 1000 ppm) with a 25 percent active ingredient formulated as a wettable granule.
Several hundred termite-infested homes in 16 different states were selected for treatment. "At each location, a university researcher is overseeing the program, and select pest management professionals (PMPs) are making the applications," Kidder explained. "This will help to ensure that we have realistic applications by the PMPs who will eventually handle this product, along with unbiased monitoring and data collection."
Syngenta plans to add a liquid termiticide to its line of products and is also working on other formulations of thiamethoxam for ants, cockroaches, fleas and a variety of nuisance pests. "We will continue to work on innovative solutions for new products and technologies in the pest management arena," Kidder says.
Although thiamethoxam is not yet registered for control of termites and other structural pests in the U.S., trials look promising, Syngenta says. Use of the product for these uses is not permitted until all federal and state registrations have been obtained.
AUSTIN, TEXAS — Univar USA, formerly Vopak USA, announced recently that three more states have approved its online training courses.
Georgia has approved the one-hour courses for the license categories of HPC, WDO and FUM, depending on the content. Georgia licensees may find the courses at, under Online Training. Click on "CEU List," and choose Georgia from the list of states presented.
In addition, Mississippi has recently allowed Univar to provide training for applicants of its Registered Technician ID Card. Univar’s online training for the Registered Technician ID Card will be the mandatory Rules and Regulations training. A link to Mississippi’s structural rules and regulations is provided, along with a quiz that challenges the attendee’s knowledge of those rules and regulations. Mississippi licensees may find the courses at, under Online Training. Click on "CEU List," and choose Mississippi from the list of states presented.
Pennsylvania has also granted approval for the online training courses.
Univar now has approved online CEU for 14 states, and expects to add more soon. The following states have approved Continuing Education for Univar’s online courses: Arizona, Arkansas (CEU allowed only if all 30 courses are taken), California, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Maine, Mississippi (approved courses for Registered Technician ID Card training only), Nevada, North Carolina, Tennessee, Utah and West Virginia.
CHESHIRE, CONN. — UPMA Labs recently announced the addition of two new inspection, prevention, monitoring and management (IPMM) Tool Kits: one for rodent monitoring and trapping and one for wildlife damage inspection and identification.
The Rodent Monitoring and Trapping Tool Kit was developed for IPMM specialists involved with monitoring and trapping rats, mice and other rodents in schools, nursing homes and other sensitive accounts. It contains more than 15 IPMM tools for baiting, monitoring, trapping, safety, communication and training.
The IPMM Wildlife Damage Inspection and Identification Tool Kit was designed for wildlife control specialists involved with inspecting and identifying wildlife damage in sensitive settings. It includes a stereo microscope as well as other IPMM tools (binoculars, 500K candlepower spot light, 30x/60x portable hand microscope, respirator, three CDs on wildlife inspection/prevention and management).
"We have received requests from wildlife and IPM specialists to offer these two kits," says Dr. Mohamed Rachadi, president of UPMA Labs LLC. "Limited time special pricing is available and details can be found at"
For a complete list of products and services, visit
SUFFERN, N.Y. — The Pest Management Training Center, which will open its doors this month, will be the first independent training center in the tri-state area to offer hands-on training, along with state certification and continuing education classes in 10 specialized categories, according to the center’s officials.
Barry Stangel, director of the center, has been involved in the pest control industry for more than 40 years.
"We offer something for everyone. Our courses are designed for home inspectors, food processors, public health and aquatics personnel, lawn and tree care technicians, health department employees, pest control operators, etc.," Stangel said. "As an independent training center, area pest control professionals now have a convenient location to send their people for basic training and advanced courses for furthering their career in the industry. Our programs are extensive and include apprenticeship training, 30-hour technician and recertification credit courses."
The Training Center will also offer a business management membership program, designed to address logistics and operational business fundamentals. Taught by industry professionals, business owners and entrepreneurs will receive invaluable information, Stengel said. The workshops will be held several times a year and will cover a comprehensive range of topics, from customer service, insurance and accounting, to the intricacies of best practices for public image, marketing, compliance, etc. The goal is to provide the support necessary for anyone interested in pursuing a successful career in pest management, Stangel said.
For additional information on upcoming courses, registration or directions, call 888/357-7734.
MAHWAH, N.J. — Wood-boring termites have the power to wreak havoc, invading the homes of more than two million Americans each year at a cost of $2 to 3 billion in structural damage. In an effort to curtail this gnawing issue, Termidor termicitide/insecticide recently launched a new online tool, the Termite Risk Calculator, at the Atlanta Home and Garden Show in Atlanta, Ga. This software program is designed to help consumers determine their home’s risk for termite infestations, with a fast quiz featured on Termidor’s Web site at
"The Termite Risk Calculator was developed to serve as an information and educational resource to consumers and generate awareness about this growing problem," said Karl Kisner, hold separate product manager — fipronil ES. "Termidor’s goal is to arm consumers with the proper tools and information to protect their greatest financial investment."
Based on responses to questions about a home’s location, age, past treatments and other termite-specific conditions, the Termite Risk Calculator tabulates a score that quantifies the risk of potential termite infestation for a home. After receiving a risk-assessment score, homeowners can print out a prevention and detection action plan, featuring expert advice and a list of local pest management professionals.
"Recognizing that termites are a serious threat in 49 of the 50 states, the Termite Risk Calculator creates a call to action for consumers to proactively reduce their risk of termite infestations," Kisner said. This tool is also beneficial for Termidor’s local partners, driving consumers to take the most important step in responsible termite control — scheduling an inspection.
For more information or to calculate a home’s termite risk, homeowners can call 877/TERMIDOR, or visit the Web site at
ORLANDO, Fla. — Massey Services Inc.’s Consumer division announced the opening of the Fort Myers, Fla., service center.
Massey Services Fort Myers service center will house the PrevenTech Commercial Division as well as provide residential pest prevention and termite protection services to residents in Lee County.
Jamie French has been named general manager of the Fort Myers service center. The Massey Services team will also consist of three trained, company certified technicians providing service to Fort Myers and the surrounding Lee County areas. The office is located at 10105 Amberwood Rd, Fort Myers, Fla.
FORT LAUDERDALE, FLA. — Certified Pest Control Operators Association of Florida (CPCO) members are raising scholarship funds with the help of their service vehicles.
At the 8th Annual CPCO Convention in Coral Springs, Fla., in August, CPCO board members voted to participate in a program in which scholarship funds are raised through a gas-purchasing program from American Petroleum Promotions and sponsored by MasterCard. The scholarships are presented each year to children of CPCO members pursuing higher education.
CPCO members who participate in the program must pay an initial membership fee of $295 to join a gas savings club, and a percentage of all the monies raised from CPCO of Florida members enrolled in the club goes to the association’s scholarship fund. In other words, if all of the 1,900 CPCO members enrolled in the gas savings club, $44,000 would go towards the CPCO scholarship fund. A percentage of these sales also go to the Family Farm Ministries, a home for troubled youths that serves as an alternative to juvenile detention centers.
"It’s a very unique fundraiser because it focuses on a product that everyone is going to buy anyway," said Glenn Ellison, cofounder and president of Family Farm Ministries.
Ellison proposed the fundraiser to CPCO member Ed Minor, owner of Jacksonville-based Allied Pest Control Inc. Minor, in turn, suggested Ellison contact CPCO of Florida.
DURHAM, N.C. AND COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS — Two technical conferences for the pest management industry will be held in January.
The North Carolina Pest Control Association, in cooperation with the North Carolina State University Department of Entomology, recently announced plans to present the 53rd Annual Pest Control Technicians’ School.
The school will be held Jan. 20-23, 2003, at the Hilton in North Raleigh, N.C. For more information, contact Mike Borden at 800/547-6071, or via e-mail at Visit the association’s site at
In addition, the 57th Texas A&M University Pest Management Conference will be held January 8-10, 2003, in Bryan/College Station, Texas, at the Brazos Center.
For more information, contact Dr. Roger E. Gold at 979/845-5855 or visit

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