TUCSON, ARIZ. — During its annual spring conference, the United Producers Formulators & Distributors Association (UPF&DA) voted to donate $20,000 to the families of service people killed or wounded during the most recent conflict in the Gulf. "It’s the least we can do as an association given the sacrifices so many families have made in answering our nation’s call to duty," said UPF&DA Director Lon Records. "It’s a way to thank our troops for their bravery and willingness to serve."
The program is modeled after a similar effort undertaken by Target Specialty Products earlier this year, which honored family members of Target associates serving in the military and urged employees to contribute to a fund in support of families impacted by the conflict. "We published photos of family members serving in the military in our company newsletter, asked our associates to wear yellow ribbons in support of the troops, and raised money for those families of soldiers killed or wounded during the conflict," Records said. "Target agreed to match any funds raised by our associates."
Roland Rhodes, secretary/treasurer of UPF&DA, will be responsible for overseeing distribution of the funds, which represent one-third of the association’s operating budget. "This is not a token gesture," said UPF&DA Director Steve Levy. "This is a major financial commitment on behalf of the association because we believe so strongly in the cause."
"This is a historic time in our country’s history," UPF&DA Vice President Rick Veatch said, "and we want to do our part." "We’re asking our affiliated partners and pest management professionals throughout the United States to consider donating to the fund," added UPF&DA President Larry Eichler. If interested in contributing to the fund, send your check or money order to: Valera Jessee, UPF&DA, 2034 Beaver Ruin Road, Norcross, GA 30071, c/o "Support Our Troops Fund."
In other conference news, keynote speaker Larry Steinmetz, a well-known sales consultant, urged attendees to avoid the temptation to cut their prices, even in challenging economic times. "Most businesses that go broke, go broke cutting prices," he said. "They don’t go broke raising prices. Think about it, if price were the only reason anybody bought a pest control service, we wouldn’t need any salespeople."
Steinmetz, author of How To Sell At Prices Higher Than Your Competitors, said buying decisions are based on value, not price. "Don’t ever confuse the difference between price and value. Value is based on what you get versus the price you pay for a service," he said. "I don’t think true selling occurs until your prices are higher than your competitors." For more information about Steinmetz, visit www.pricingexpert.com.
On the final day of the conference, former NPMA President Judy Dold shared her thoughts on how to be an effective leader. Dold’s secrets to success include:
Choose results over status. "Have you gotten to the point where you’re so comfortable you’re happy with the status quo?" she asked. If so, you could be asking for trouble. Don’t become enamored with success. Continue to focus on what made you successful, focusing on results.
Choose accountability over popularity. "Everyone wants to be liked," Dold said, "but if your people aren’t being held accountable, how are you going to get results? A competent, well-tuned executive gets results."
Choose action and clarity over certainty. "Don’t focus on the minutia," she warned. Focus on the big picture, while making sure your staff understands what is expected of them.
Choose productive conflict over harmony. Create a work environment where various points of view are welcome. "People must feel free to disagree," she said.
Choose trust over invulnerability. "Those whom you lead know your weaknesses because they see them every day," Dold said. "No one does everything well, so be open about your weaknesses. It builds trust and trust is critical to a successful business."
Following Dold on the program was Ron Farrell, RAPID executive director, who updated attendees on the benefits of barcoding. Several representatives of NPMA also spoke, including President Bobby Jenkins, Executive Vice President Rob Lederer, Director of Government Affairs Bob Rosenberg and Director of Public Affairs Cindy Mannes. Frank Gasperini, director of state issues for Responsible Industry for a Sound Environment, an industry trade group, also appeared on the program.
In other news, two new member companies — Farnam Companies and Ford’s & Gantt — were welcomed to the association.
Next year’s UPF&DA Spring Conference is planned for April 21-23 at the Sawgrass Resort in Jacksonville, Fla. — Dan Moreland
CORSICANA, TEXAS — Central Texas Pest Management, Corsicana, Texas, was called upon to control fire ants at the site where workers were recovering fragments from the Space Shuttle Columbia. Fire ants posed problems at a number of areas on the site, including warehouses set up as eating and sleeping quarters and a recreation pavilion used by workers.
Fire ant mounds emerged above ground following rainy weather. To eradicate the problem, technicians from Central used a combination of broadcast granular applications and individual direct-mound treatments.
"The majority of the workers were from Oregon and also from FEMA and they were not used to our fire ants," said Barry Sherrard, owner, Central Texas Pest Management. "We couldn’t go in and just lambaste everything, but at the same time we needed quick results. Everything was highly regulated and we communicated with everyone on site and gave them labels and MSDSs."
Barry Sherrard’s wife, Kelly, was among the four technicians who performed the work.
"The whole process was pretty intense because you would have to leave your license at the main gate and have badges before you entered the main ground," she said. "The fire ant problem is taken care of. We’ve been returning for follow-up visits every 15 days and have not seen any fire ant problems."
In addition to treating for fire ants, Barry Sherrard said his crew pre-baited for rodents, but, to his surprise, these pests were not a problem at the site.
Central Texas Pest Management was founded in 1956 under the name A-1 Pest Control. Barry Sherrard bought the company in 1999 and changed the name. Sherrard has been performing pest control since 1980. He says NASA did background checks on his company and its employees prior to hiring Central Texas Pest Management. — Brad Harbison
SAN JOSE DEL CABO, MEXICO — Syngenta Professional Products officially introduced the pest management industry to what it says are "revolutionary" termite pretreatment products — Impasse Termite System and Impasse Termite Blockers — at a special launch meeting in Mexico, April 22-25.
More than 120 PCOs attended two days’ worth of informative and interactive sessions that covered everything from the research and development behind Impasse to the support Syngenta provides in terms of advertising and marketing. Syngenta says it has introduced a pair of products that will change the industry’s approach to termite pre-construction treatments.
Impasse Termite System is a construction-grade, termite-proof vapor barrier with the termiticide (a.i. lambda-cyhalothrin) "locked in" between outer polymer layers. The product, which has been in development for more than eight years, was brought to market as an innovative and environmentally responsible alternative to traditional pretreatment products, according to Keelan Pulliam, group head of Syngenta Professional Products. It also comes with a 10-year retreat and damage repair product warranty.
"Impasse is a major change in termite management," Pulliam said. "What we are offering is a product that gives (PCOs) an opportunity to secure a niche position in their market. We believe PCOs can create more value, make more profits, and hopefully take some of the liability out of their business."
Impasse Termite Blockers are a complement to existing termite pre-construction treatments. They provide long-term protection in challenging and critical areas, such as gaps caused by shrinkage around penetrations or through bath trap areas.
Launch meeting attendees participated in a team installation event of Impasse Termite Blockers. PCOs and Syngenta representatives were divided into 11-member teams and given the task of quickly installing the blockers around pipes of various sizes that were set up within a foundation on the beach. "Referees" were in place to ensure that teams were following the rules and a group of "inspectors" reviewed the completed installations to determine whether or not the blockers were properly installed. Also, teams were given points based on how quickly they finished the installation. The purpose of the installation event was to illustrate the ease and efficiency in which Impasse Termite Blockers are installed.
A key to the success of Impasse will be how well it is received by builders and homeowners. Rick Fitzer, owner of Genesis Builders, spoke about "Keys to Selling New Technology Upgrades to Builders." Fitzer, who builds upscale homes in the Savannah, Ga.-area, says Impasse has a number of attractive qualities — such as efficient installation (a two-person crew is usually all that is needed, depending on the size of the house), a 10-year guaranteed warranty, and the utilization of novel, cutting-edge technology — that he believes builders can use to sell the product to homeowners as an upgrade. The key, he says, is having the proper marketing approach.
To help PCOs "pitch" Impasse to builders, and to help builders sell the upgrade to homeowners, Syngenta has produced marketing brochures and is helping to get the word out about Impasse through a targeted PR and advertising campaign. These efforts include sending out press releases and having Syngenta representatives give demonstrations to homebuilders.
For more information visit www.impasse.com.
ALPHARETTA, GA. — Rufus "Red" Tindol, Jr., senior consultant and chairman of the board for Allgood Services, passed away on April 27. He was 85.
Born in 1918 in Dublin, Ga., he attended Georgia Tech and Auburn University and he served in the Army during WWII. He formed Georgia Exterminating with his brother-in-law James Allgood in 1945. His company was acquired by Orkin in 1947 where he worked as district manager and vice president until 1967. He then founded Tindol Services in 1967 with his sons.
He was a registered professional sanitary engineer and a member and chairman of the Georgia Pest Control Commission. He served as two-time president of the Georgia Pest Control Association and president of the National Pest Management Association. He was a member of the Northside Kiwanis Club and the Salvation Army Advisory Board.
In 1985 he was chosen Small Business Person of the Year.
Tindol is survived by his wife Kathryn, daughter Jacqueline T. Kind; sons Rufus "Bubba" Tindol, and Michael D. Tindol; six grandchildren, 17 great-grandchildren and two great-great-grandchildren. His grandson Michael Tindol currently serves as the president of GPCA.
GREENSBORO, N.C. — Pest management professionals now have access to Syngenta Professional Products’ SecureChoice™ business model, which is designed to help them profitably grow their businesses, through a new online portal at www.SecureChoiceOnline.com.
The Web site will serve as the entry point for the Syngenta professional pest management market. Visitors can obtain Syngenta product information and also access a password-protected Knowledge Management System that helps pest management professionals manage their customer data. Additional information like current industry news, research and information, along with timely pest alerts, also are available at the site.
Syngenta created the SecureChoice business model to bring a comprehensive resource for profitable growth to the marketplace. Comprised of three components, SecureChoice brings products and tools, knowledge management and business services together in one complete package to help pest management professionals grow their businesses.
The SecureChoice portal also will house the password-protected areas where SecureChoice customers can access Knowledge Management System powered by ePM (Electronic Pest Management) and ChoiceCommunications. Users of these resources must be registered SecureChoice customers with a valid login ID and password.
CHESHIRE, CONN. — UPMA Labs recently introduced a variety of IPMM (inspection, prevention, management, monitoring) tools designed for pest professionals involved with teaching, training, marketing and practicing IPM in schools and other sensitive settings. Sophisticated photo microscopy is now within reach of any pest management professional, the company says. The newly introduced tool kits include systems for IPMM digital photo microscopy, identification/training, public health, ant and silverfish management.
"Our Deluxe IPMM photo microscopy tool kit gives the IPM professional the ability to capture insect pest images through a microscope and use them for teaching, training and marketing purposes," says Dr. Mohamed Rachadi, president of UPMA Labs.
For more information about the company and introductory specials, visit www.upmalabs.com.
CLEVELAND, OHIO — The Fourth Edition of the Physician’s Guide to Arthropods of Medical Importance, by Jerome Goddard is now available online at www.pctonline.com/store. Goddard, a frequent contributor to PCT magazine, is affiliated with the State Department of Health, Jackson, Miss.
New in the fourth edition is the following:
• More than 30 high-quality, color photographs of insect bites, stings and other lesions caused by pests
• New black and white photographs
• The latest research information, including facts about West Nile virus
• Seven new medical case histories of insect- or arachnid-caused problems
• Treatment recommendations updated with the latest scientific research findings
The list price is $149.95. For more information, visit www.pctonline.com/store or call 800/456-0707.
BRUNSWICK, MAINE — Modern Pest Services, one of New England’s oldest, largest, and fastest-growing pest management companies, has been selected Maine Restaurant Association’s Allied Member Of The year. Richard Steven-son Sr. accepted the award for modern at MRA’s annual banquet in Portland, Maine.
In other Modern Pest Services news, the company has opened a new service located at 1 Perimeter Road in Manchester, N.H. The service center provides residential and commercial pest management services to the states of New Hampshire and Vermont. Bob Dresser, a recent retiree of the U. S. Army, is general manager. Todd Bleeker is the service manager. This is Modern’s fifth service center.

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