[PCO News]


Do you have pest control company news you’d like to share with PCT magazine? Please send press releases about your firm to jdorsch@giemedia.com.

Orkin Donates Services to Treat Mold-Damaged New Orleans Homes

ATLANTA — Almost a year after Hurricanes Katrina and Rita devastated New Orleans, the after-effects of extensive flooding and roof damage continue to threaten local residents’ health and property. As residents face mounting pressures from the City of New Orleans to gut or demolish their flood-damaged homes, Orkin, in partnership with several national non-profit partners, helped treat 75 severely flood-damaged homes in New Orleans for mold infestation.

Working with the National Center for Healthy Housing (NCHH), Orkin donated time and services June 12-16 to assist Catholic Charities’ Operation Helping Hands and the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN)’s Home Clean-Out in efforts to clean up neighborhoods and restore homes.

After volunteers from these organizations identified and gutted damaged homes, many of which are occupied by low- to mid-income elderly or disabled residents with little to no flood insurance, Orkin’s volunteer team of 13 began work.

The Orkin Ready Response Team – a group of Orkin employees with a vast knowledge of pests, extensive training and years of experience in the pest control industry – applied BORA-CARE and MOLD-CARE products to help protect homes from mold growth.

Team Spin/Cooper to Ride in Bike Tour to Raise Money to Fight MS

LAWRENCEVILLE, N.J. — Team Spin/Cooper Pest, led by Cooper Pest Solutions President Phil Cooper, is once again participating in the Delaware Valley MS 150 City to Shore Bike Tour. This year’s event, scheduled to take place Sept. 16, is a 150-mile bicycle ride (from Cherry Hill to Ocean City, N.J. and back) that raises money for the Multiple Sclerosis Society. Cooper’s goal is to raise $30,000 through donations.

If you would like to donate online using a credit card, visit www.cooperpest.com/mspage and click on the link to the National MS Web site.


September 2006
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