[PCT Online.com Contest] Say Cheese!

PCT proudly announces the winner and finalists of the second annual PCT Online Best Pest Photo Contest.

PCT BEST PEST PHOTO CONTEST WINNER: Bottle fly emerging on a candle. (co: 2003 Damon Clarke)

Photographer: Damon Clarke, Powder Trap Inc., Nanaimo, B.C., Canada

Finalist Photo: Immature katydid ready to spring into action.

Photographer: Ed Freytag, field operations supervisor, New Orleans Mosquito and Termite Control Board

Finalist Photo: A pair of yellow jackets emerging from brood comb.

Photographer: Jim Irvin, Irvin Pest Control, Cape Coral, Fla.

Finalist Photo: Western tent caterpillars in various instars.

Photographer: Chuck Hawley, Idaho Dept. of Agriculture, Coeur d'Alene Field Office.

Finalist Photo: Underside of brown house spider on her web taken in Monticello, Ga.

Photographer: James Kelly

Finalist Photo: Up-close photo of a Florida carpenter ant taken in Orlando, Fla.

Photographer: Scott Nolen, president, Truly Nolen of America, Inc.

Finalist Photo: Cicada

Submitted by: Billy Blasingame, vice president of pest management operations, Arrow Exterminators, Inc.

Finalist Photo: European hornet feeding on tree sap in the Rust Sanctuary in Leesburg, Virginia

Photographer: Bob Rummel, Western Industries.

Finalist Photo: German cockroach

Photographer: Miguel Angel Taboada Martinez, Progressive Technology and Biorational Estrategy, Mexico.

Finalist Photo: Scorpion stinging prey

Photographer: Alan Brown, owner/entomologist, BMI Pest Management, Temple, TX

Finalist Photo: Calliphorid blow fly, Phaenicia species, on a dinner plate.

Photographer: Mike Merchant, urban entomologist, Texas Cooperative Extension

CLEVELAND — PCT proudly announces the winner and finalists of the second annual PCT Online Best Pest Photo Contest.

Damon Clarke, product designer for Powder Trap Inc., Nanaimo, B.C., Canada, took home top honors with an up-close shot of a bottle fly (right). (To read more about Clarke’s award-winning picture, CLICK HERE.)

Clarke receives a $500 prize for his winning photo.

More than 75 PCT Online users submitted photos for this year’s contest. These 75 photos were then whittled down to the top 10 photos by our judges. Clarke’s photo, plus the ten finalist photos appear in the following photo review.

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