Employees and credit cards — March
- Bob Williams, Des Moines Pest Control, Johnston, Iowa
I supply each of our technicians (three) with a company credit card. This works out well if they would need to fuel their service tuck, pay for repairs or buy incidentals that are needed on the job. I wonder if they ever put personal gas on the company card or other items that are not related to the company. I know I’m going to get beat up here and go ahead I likely deserve it. So I’m just wondering how others handle these expenses that employees encounter. - Tim Blankenship, All Pest Solutions, Franklin, Tenn.
Get them a fuel card. The only one that needs a credit card is you. - Zeb Armstrong, Armstrong Pest Control, Clover, S.C.
If you don’t trust them with a company-limited credit card, why should you trust them going into a client’s home, where they can do more damage to you and your company reputation than they can with a limited credit card? You can keep up with gas with mile per gallons of use. - Tim Blankenship
Take my word for it, it makes life easier when you are the one in control when it comes to spending company money. Do not trust anyone. Fuel cards, Bob. Get some fuel cards. - Bob Bradshaw, Rid X Co., Morehouse, Mo.
You get a lot more control with some fleet cards. Some allow you to set limitations on their use, how often they can be used and for how much per use. They will even email you when exceptions to these limitations take place. That way you’re not in the dark until the next bill comes in. - Tim Blankenship
(Such cards) track gas consumption, mileage and sometimes you can get discounted fuel. It’s not a trust thing, it’s a smart business practice. - William Trefry Sr., former owner, All Star Termite & Pest Management, Fredericksburg, Va.
You answered your own question. You are taking a grave risk. It’s OK to give them a fleet card to buy gas only that indicates where, when and how much they have purchased. But you still have to review the statements every month for compliance to your policy. I’ve had this problem and they will steal from you. Trust but verify. - Richard Alexander, Pest Express, Centennial, Colo.
I don’t think I saw anyone mention debit cards. It’s like a checking account and gets declined if the employee exceeds the cash balance that you deposited. I like for my guys to have freedom to make good choices but I’ve had my horror stories too. I only give them enough rope to gag not strangle. - Jeremy Kreer, APM Advanced Pest Management, Elkton, Md.
I think this is a concern for a lot of business owners out there who must extend trust to their people. I can tell you that as your organization grows and you take on more people, so does your liability with employee theft. I have done a few things to try and keep honest people honest. First I extend the trust by giving them a fuel card. I then meet frequently through meetings with my people to stress the importance of honesty in all of our dealings, and that includes utilization of the many benefits our company provides. I also have a GPS tracking system on all vehicles just in case I see something that needs to be checked upon. I review the bills each week and if I see suspicious fill up frequency or higher gas consumption then I will check into it. The bottom line is to find those people that you can truly trust and have the tools to check upon and hold to account for those that may stray. Good luck.

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