Editor’s note: On the next few pages is a review of some of the latest news and products in the termite control market. Manufacturers: If you have termite information you’d like to appear in PCT magazine, send it to Editor, PCT Magazine, 4012 Bridge Ave., Cleveland OH 44113 or e-mail it to jdorsch@giemedia.com.
BASF Offers Two Undetectable Liquid Termite Control Products
BASF — The Chemical Company is a leading provider of undetectable liquid termite control products that give confidence to the pest professionals who use them, the company says. Termidor termiticide-insecticide and Phantom termiticide-insecticide deliver exceptional results, with the added benefits of dedicated BASF sales and technical teams to assist with training and product support, the company reports.
The company’s flagship product, Termidor termiticide-insecticide, is an undetectable pre- and post-construction liquid termite defense product that begins working immediately. Because of its unique Transfer Effect, termites that come into contact with Termidor carry it back to the colony and infect fellow termites before dying. Through the Perimeter PLUS program, Termidor can be used as an exterior perimeter/localized interior treatment for post-construction control of subterranean termites within a structure. Termidor is the only liquid termiticide approved for this use.
Phantom termiticide-insecticide is registered with the EPA for pre- and post-construction termite treatments nationwide. It is the only undetectable termite control available in New York. Phantom, with the active ingredient chlorphenapyr, kills termites by ingestion and contact and has very low water solubility. More than seven years of test data prove this product’s exceptional performance, the company says.
Reduce Labor Costs With Premise Granules
Premise Granules, the only non-repellent termiticide in granule formulation, gives pest management professionals another Premise formulation to stop foraging termites on their customers’ properties. Since Premise Granules is a non-repellent, it works well with other termiticide treatments (as permitted by state regulations). Pest management professionals can save on labor and transportation costs, while keeping technicians and equipment on termite jobs already scheduled, the company says.
"During perimeter trials in Florida, Premise Granules showed a 75 percent reduction in termite activity," says Dan Meek, business manager for Premise. "PMPs can use granules as an ‘add-on’ service or as an upgrade during annual termite renewals."
Premise Granules can be applied in a 3- to 10-foot band around the structure, by using a spreader or directly from the container. Premise Granules can be applied to bare soil, landscaped areas, turf grass, mulch areas surrounding structures, as well as non-structural wood to soil contact situations, such as a fence or mailbox.
Improved Relief from Pesky Critters
Control Solutions announced its launch of Bifen XTS, an insecticide/termiticide with quick "knockdown" of insects. With its low use rate, proprietary formula, and unique carrier, this product will provide long residual activity for improved pest control, even under adverse weather conditions, the manufacturer says.
This low odor, fast-acting, synthetic pyrethroid is non-irritating to the applicator and customer. Bifen XTS contains 25.1% bifenthrin, providing control of more than 75 unwanted pests, including termites, ants and surface-feeding insects. XTS is versatile, labeled for pre- and post-construction termite control, turf and ornamentals, and outdoor perimeter pest control.
Containing 2 pounds of active ingredient per gallon, XTS solves handling, training and inventory issues of applicators and customers, Control Solutions reports. Bifen XTS can be applied outdoors and indoors for localized wood-destroying insects, and in large perimeter areas. The product features a broad label, long residual control and high performance. It is a cost-effective bifenthrin product, according to Control Solutions.
Control Solutions is a Makteshim-Agan Company, the world’s largest manufacturer and supplier of post-patent and alternate brand pesticides.
Dow AgroSciences: Leadership and Innovation for Termite Control
Halo Electronic Termite Detection from Dow AgroSciences is the only monitoring-specific termite detection product using state-of-the-art technology that allows PCOs to quickly and accurately monitor a site for termites without visual inspections of the stations. (Halo Detection allows quick site monitoring, indicating the presence of termites in Halo monitoring stations following a positive signal with 98 percent accuracy, according to the manufacturer.) Termite monitoring with innovative electronic technology is a unique business-building opportunity for pest management professionals who offer Halo Detection to general pest control customers.
The Sentricon Termite Colony Elimination System is the No. 1 brand in termite protection (Source: Ipsos-Insight 2005a). Dow AgroSciences’ innovations to the Sentricon System include Recruit IV termite bait, with the active ingredient noviflumuron, as well as a quarterly monitoring option.
Vikane gas fumigant is the No. 1 brand for whole-structure drywood termite elimination and the cornerstone of the fumigation industry, according to the manufacturer. Made in the USA since 1961, Vikane is backed by support and experience from Dow AgroSciences’ network of experts, local field representatives and distributor partners.
Bora-Care Protects Homes Against Drywood Termites
Now pest management professionals can control drywood termites on new construction or existing structures with whole house Bora-Care treatments. Bora-Care is an EPA-registered termiticide from Nisus Corporation. Using high pressure mist, foam or spray, pest control companies apply Bora-Care to all wood in the structure, killing existing infestations of drywood termites and providing residual protection, the company reports.
Since Nisus now has developed whole house treatment protocols utilizing Bora-Care, pest management professionals have a choice. Bora-Care can be used as a standalone whole house treatment for drywood termites, or it can be used in conjunction with fumigation to add residual protection.
Fumigation is used to control drywood termite infestations, but it does not deliver any residual benefits, Nisus reports. Bora-Care’s patented formula penetrates deeply into wood, where it remains for years. During a Bora-Care application, there is no need to tent the structure, move residents or bag food, thus eliminating temporary relocation costs.
Bora-Care does not contain any volatile organic compounds, and in multi-family dwellings treatment can be done conveniently over time. Nisus has developed marketing materials for both the pretreat and residual segments of single- and multi-family housing in addition to creating consumer DVDs, training DVDs and technical bulletins.
Bora-Care also controls wood decay and other wood-destroying organisms. Subterranean and Formosan termite prevention and control can be added with a 1:1 2-foot Bora-Care termite treatment.
FMC Professional Solutions: Proven Termite Control Solutions for Both Pre- and Post-Construction
BaseLine pretreat termiticide provides superior control with the longest residual in the industry — proven to remain effective for more than 20 years (according to USDA Forest Service field trials conducted in Florida), says FMC Professional Solutions. With a low use rate of 1 quart per 100 finished gallons, BaseLine is available in a convenient, easy-to-use 5-gallon tote, meaning less container disposal. Pest management professionals can count on the long-lasting protective zone created by BaseLine pretreat termiticide, FMC reports.
For post-construction control of termites, Talstar Professional insecticide can be used around the perimeter, creating a long-lasting barrier that termites won’t penetrate, the manufacturer reports. Talstar is averaging more than 12 years at 100 percent control in all USDA testing sites and more than 16 years at USDA sites in Florida and Arizona, according to FMC.
Transport non-repellent termiticide insecticide, which contains the new active ingredient acetamiprid, is awaiting federal registration.
Shock Elimination for Termites
With Electro-Gun from Etex
Since 1979, the Electro-Gun from Etex Ltd. has offered pest management professionals a non-chemical alternative for termite control. This technically intricate, hand-held electronic system combines high frequency, high voltage and very low current to overcome wood’s natural resistance to electrical current flow. The system allows electrical current to penetrate wood and flow into the galleries and nests of drywood termites, killing them by electrical shock.
Tested and validated for safety, efficacy and structural integrity by leading entomologists, universities, world-renowned scientific research organizations and forensic science establishments, the Electro-Gun has proven to be an asset to industry professionals throughout its 27 years, Etex Ltd. reports. The product can be used as a standalone treatment or in conjunction with one or more non-chemical treatments, borates or localized chemical treatments. The product works in harmony with all current detection devices and fits well into IPM treatment programs.
Etex trains and certifies pest management professionals from companies that lease the Electro-Gun, as well as providing continual and ongoing service and support, together with any required repairs and upgrades to the equipment.
XT-2000 Orange Oil from Xtermite
XT-2000 Orange Oil is a naturally occurring essential oil containing the active ingredient d-limonene. Orange oil is derived from orange peels and is found in smaller concentrations in a variety of consumer-based products, such a household cleaners and pet shampoos. XT-2000 is 92 percent pure d-limonene. XT-2000 Orange Oil kills on contact. It has the unique ability to wick through the cells of wood once injected into termite galleries, treating not only the area where the injection occurred but the surrounding areas as well. This capillary affect ensures an effective and thorough treatment every time XT-2000 Orange Oil is used.
Whitmire Micro-Gen Introduces Ergonomic Spider EH For Use with the Advance Termite Bait System
Whitmire Micro-Gen has developed a new ergonomically designed handle for its Advance Termite Bait System (ATBS). Called the Spider EH Station Access Tool, this tool is easier on the hands of technicians, who often check an average of 12 to 20 homes per day of the Advance Termite Bait Stations, says Whitmire Micro-Gen. The Spider EH features an oversized handle and ergonomic design. Its rugged construction is proven in field tests and is preferred by technicians over the previous metal style handle, Whitmire Micro-Gen reports. The Spider EH features an enhanced clean-out edge that helps take debris out of the station lid area, and the "safety orange" color reduces the likelihood that the tool is misplaced in the field.
"PMPs and technicians already know about the overall design quality and serviceability of the Advance Termite Bait System and now that technician-friendly design is even better," says Jeff Vannoy, marketing manager, Termite and Dilutable Insecticides. "We are constantly striving to improve product designs for the benefit of technicians. Once they put their hands on the Spider EH, they’re hooked, with 98 percent of trialing technicians preferring the new Spider EH." The Spider EH hits the market this spring.
Ensystex Offers New Brand of Products
The mission of Thor brand products from Ensystex II (a subsidiary of Ensystex) is to be the "premier vertically integrated supplier of termite and pest management products to the structural pest management industry," the company says. Ensystex is best known as the manufacturer of the Exterrra Termite Interception and Baiting System featuring diflubenzuron, a highly effective chitin synthesis inhibitor insecticide used throughout the world.
Syngenta Offers a Variety of Tools for Termite Control
Syngenta Professional Products offers pest management professionals a unique variety of products, covering a broad spectrum of termite control methods. Products include pre- and post-construction treatments, allowing pest management professionals to take all necessary steps to control these harmful pests.
Syngenta’s IMPASSE Termite Blocker provides the ultimate in termite prevention. IMPASSE is a patented defense in the fight against termite infestation. The product is installed pre-construction, just before the pouring of the concrete slab, and contains a locked in layer of lambda-cyhalothrin for protection. Another pre-treat option, ProBuild TC, provides the perfect combination of quality and affordability. With superior control and lasting residual, ProBuild TC is the ideal choice for protection against all subterranean termite species, Syngenta reports. By treating termites at their main source, the soil, ProBuild TC protects homes from termite damage.
Another soil treatment, Demon MAX, has been an industry mainstay with nearly two decades of results. In tests, Demon MAX has delivered 90 to 100 percent control after 10 years in the soil, even in states with heavy termite pressure, according to the manufacturer.
For interior areas infested with termites, Syngenta offers OptiGard ZT, the ultimate in zone treatments. OptiGard ZT is applied as a foam and fills wall voids where these insects make their homes. This non-repellent formula uses the active ingredient thiamethoxam, which pests then transfer to nest mates.
Second-Generation Termiscope Offers More Options
At present, all subterranean monitoring devices are essentially the same in the customers’ eyes, according to Termiscope. As a result, termite monitoring programs too often go unnoticed and are soon forgotten by customers. All this is now changed, says Termiscope.
After years of research and development, the evolution of the second generation of the Termiscope system is now available. Termiscope T2 introduces the latest feature in monitoring: The Visual Alert. This feature triggers customers’ attention and interest in actively participating in the monitoring system. A few customer benefits include:
• Ground-breaking new design
• Easier installation (1¼ inches by 8 inches)
• Much longer viability in the soil due to the larger wood trigger (four times)
Technicians also will appreciate the Visual Alert feature because of the reduction in backbreaking and frequent laborious inspections, Termiscope reports. Pest management professionals now can strategically increase their market share by continually staying at the forefront of their customers’ awareness by offering the new Termiscope T2 system with its Visual Alert feature.

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