Editor’s note: Following is a review of some of the latest products for the termite control market. Manufacturers: If you have termite information you’d like to appear in PCT magazine, send a press release and high-resolution photo to jdorsch@giemedia.com.
633 Envisions
The evolution the Termiscope system has entered its second generation. 633 Envisions introduces the new Termiscope T2 featuring its visual alert. The new T2 will help put PCOs on the cutting edge of modern termite technology in the eyes of their customers, the company said.
A few benefits of the new unit are: a new design, dimensions (1¼-inch by 8 inches) that allow for easier installation and a larger wood trigger that lasts much longer in the soil, the company said.
Termite monitoring programs can be unnoticed by customers. PCOs now can increase their market share and daily stay at the forefront of their customers’ awareness by offering them the new Termiscope T2 system, the company said.
Bayer Environmental Science
PCOs can rely on Premise Perimeter Termite to achieve structural protection with an exterior perimeter treatment by establishing a continuous treated zone along the outer perimeter of the foundation wall. With less labor and chemical required for treatment, Premise Perimeter offers a better value than other termite control products, the company said.
The amended labeling also is referred to as Exterior Perimeter/Interior Spot Treatment (EP/IST) and is a set of optional directions for use in post-construction termite control. The label amendment adds even more flexibility to the use of Premise termiticide, the company said. Premise has the most formulation options available, including Premise Granules and Premise Foam, according to Bayer ES.
BASF — The Chemical Company’s flagship product, Termidor termiticide/insecticide, is an undetectable pre- and post-construction liquid termite defense product that begins working immediately, the company said. Because of its unique Transfer Effect, termites that come into contact with Termidor carry it back to the colony and infect fellow termites before dying. Through the Perimeter PLUS program, Termidor can be used as an exterior perimeter/localized interior treatment for post-construction control of subterranean termites within a structure.
Phantom termiticide-insecticide is registered with the EPA for pre- and post-construction termite treatments nationwide. It is the only undetectable termite control product available in New York, the company said. Phantom, with the active ingredient chlorphenapyr, kills termites by ingestion and contact and has low water solubility. More than eight years of test data prove this product’s performance, the company said.
Termidor termiticide/insecticide and Phantom termiticide-insecticide deliver exceptional results, with the added benefits of dedicated BASF sales and technical teams to assist with training and product support, the company said.
Control Solutions
Bifen XTS from Control Solutions allows for low use rates and a long-lasting residual, the company said. Bifen XTS has a broad label that allows applications to be made for termite pre- and post-treatment, indoors for wood-invading pests, outdoors for general pests, and for turf and ornamentals.
Bifen XTS contains three times the active ingredient in one quart, which allows lower use rates and smaller, user-friendly containers, the company said, and at the same time offers a longer-lasting residual that can last up to several months.
Dow AgroSciences
Dow AgroSciences provides pest protection and monitoring through five major product lines.
The company has made continuous enhancements to the Sentricon Termite Colony Elimination System like ESP technology, Recruit IV termite bait and a quarterly monitoring label. It’s also the “green” choice for environmentally conscious home-owners, as it uses just grams of termite bait, when and where needed, to eliminate termite colonies, the company said.
Halo Electronic Termite Detection helps provide PCOs’ termite business with the leads it needs. It combines state-of-the-art electronics with in-ground stations and a hand-held indicator that saves technicians service time because they do not need to manually open and visually inspect stations, the company said.
The Hex-Pro Termite Baiting System features Shatter termite bait. Hexaflumuron, the active ingredient in Shatter termite bait, has been in use for more than a decade. The Hex-Pro System offers pest management professionals the opportunity to provide customers with an environmentally sensible treatment method to control the termite colony, using minimal termite bait where termite activity is expected, vs. the large amount of chemical mixture associated with a liquid termiticide treatment, the company said.
Vikane gas fumigant, made in the United States since 1961, has been used to fumigate more than 2 million structures. Vikane continues to be supported by research to enhance product use, and by stewardship from Dow AgroSciences and its distributors, including annual training, quality technical support and a team of field representatives.
Ensystex II
The mission of Thor-brand products from Ensystex II (a subsidiary of Ensystex) is to be the “premier vertically integrated supplier of termite and pest management products to the structural pest management industry,” the company says. Ensystex is best known as the manufacturer of the Exterrra Termite Interception and Baiting System featuring diflubenzuron, a highly effective chitin synthesis inhibitor insecticide used throughout the world.
Etex Ltd.
Since 1979, the Electro-Gun from Etex Ltd. has offered pest management professionals a non-chemical alternative for termite control. This hand-held electronic system combines high frequency, high voltage and low current to overcome wood’s natural resistance to electrical current flow, the company said. With five U.S. patents, the system allows electrical current to penetrate wood and flow into the galleries and nests of drywood termites, killing them by electrical shock.
The Electro-Gun has been tested and validated for safety, efficacy and structural integrity by highly respected leading entomologists, universities, world-renowned scientific research organizations and forensic science establishments, the company said. The product can be used as a stand-alone treatment or in conjunction with one or more non-chemical treatments, borates or local chemical treatments. It works with all current detection devices and fits well into IPM treatment programs, the company says.
FMC Professional Solutions
Transport termiticide, a new non-repellent, is designed to quickly control termites. As termites come into contact with Transport, they share the chemistry with other termites when they return to their colonies through their foraging behavior. This sharing attribute provides more widespread protection, the company said.
Transport is formulated to control termites quickly — studies show an average of 30 days or less — and thoroughly by delivering two protection zones. When applied to the soil around a home, the first protective zone delivers the quick solution to control the termite infestation, the company said.
Transport also keeps working years after its application, the company said. This is because of the unique second protective zone that Transport offers. This second zone of home protection will provide PCOs with the peace of mind that comes with long-lasting termite protection.
And with Transport, PCOs get the added benefit of ant and other general pest control. Transport is effective in controlling a variety of general pests, including ants, centipedes, flies, mosquitoes, fleas, moths, millipedes, silverfish, spiders, ticks and beetles, the company said. Designed to knock down and control pests quickly, Transport is an ideal solution for controlling perimeter pests in addition to termites.
Forshaw Distribution
Forshaw Distribution offers some of the finest termite rigs in the industry, the company said. Forshaw’s rigs are reliable, durable and long lasting. They feature lighter, rust-free aluminum frames and 5.5 hp Honda engines. Termite rigs from Forshaw range in size from 14 to 200 gallons and can be gas or electric. The company offers nine different configurations for its rigs. Forshaw termite rigs feature 200 feet of 600 psi hose and 6500 or 7560 C-AR pumps.
HomeGuard Distributors
The HomeGuard Termite Baiting System’s semi-transparent lid allows sunlight to form condensation, creating an exaggerated “thermal shadow” to attract termites. Solid walls help prevent entry of surface-applied pesticides, chlorinated water, roots and non-target species to the cellulose matrix, which can be replaced with a bait-impregnated matrix without disturbing foragers.
The HomeGuard monitor attracts large numbers of termites, which not only feed on the matrix, but nest in it, the company says. The HomeGuard monitor is designed and constructed with solid walls that help prevent entry of surface-applied pesticides and non-target species.
The system’s semi-transparent lid eliminates the need to remove for inspection. The company’s exclusive Frictionally Engaged Lid allows for quick removal when necessary, without the need for “keys” or special tools. Traps can be successfully inspected in seconds, the company said. The HomeGuard monitor uses a high-volume corrugated cellulose matrix, which remains attractive to termites for extended periods. HomeGuard monitors often remain effective for years, the company said.
Nisus Corporation
Bora-Care is a borate-based, EPA-registered termiticide, and is a key part of a green pest management program, the company said. Unlike soil termiticides, no chemicals are pumped into the ground, plus Bora-Care has no Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs). Bora-Care requires little water during application, critical in water-sensitive areas. Its active ingredient is a natural mineral salt, and the finished solution has an oral toxicity (LD50) less than half that of table salt, the company said. Using Bora-Care can qualify pest management professionals for points under LEEDS and other green building programs.
Pest control companies apply Bora-Care directly to the wood, concrete and foundation penetrations during the dried-in phase of new construction. This creates a continuous barrier that termites cannot cross and eliminates wood as a food source, the company said. Bora-Care’s patented formula allows its active ingredient to penetrate into wood, delivering years of residual protection.
Bora-Care is fully labeled and approved for use on wood as a primary 2-foot barrier subterranean termite pre-treatment. A whole-house Bora-Care treatment also kills and controls drywood termites on new and existing construction, the company said, delivering residual protection for all structural wood from pests such as wood-destroying beetles, carpenter ants and decay fungi.
Oldham Chemicals Company
Oldham Chemicals Company stocks a full line of pest control equipment and chemicals, including custom-designed termite spray rigs. The spray rig is available with a 50- or 100-gallon, low-profile poly tank with baffles and a 10-inch fillwell tank. This system can fit in a truck bed and allows for the use of a low-profile truck topper to secure the spray rig. The standard components are as follows: Hannay hose reel with 150 feet of ½-inch PVC hose, Spraying Systems No. 36 valve, complete with three spray tips (one for pretreatments), and Briggs & Stratton 5.5 hp Intec Pro engine, mounted to base plate with Hypro 6500C-R roller pump. The rig can be customized to meet pest management professionals’ special use requirements, including the addition of a Honda engine.
PBM Supply & Mfg.
In addition to PBM’s 25- to 50-gallon PCO Series sprayers, the company also manufactures large-capacity sprayers for high-volume applications such as pre-treating foundations. Everything from 100- to 500-gallon sprayers are built to order and outfitted with high-quality components on the strongest frames the industry has to offer, the company said. The RR Series Highway Rated Trailers and SKD Series Heavy Duty Skids are built to customer specifications. The customer chooses the necessary accessories, where they should be located and PBM delivers the sprayer “dressed to kill.” All PBM Sprayers are tested and fully assembled prior to shipping.
Pest management professionals looking for convenience, environmental stewardship and value in a glycol-borate-product termiticide now can rely on BOR-RAM, the new termiticide, insecticide, fungicide concentrate from Sostram Corporation.
BOR-RAM is EPA registered as a primary subterranean termite pre-treatment for new construction, and also labeled for control of other types of termites, insects and decay fungi. Applied directly to wood and other building materials, the borate-based technology of BOR-RAM offers important advantages over traditional soil-drenching termiticides: It supports green building initiatives by creating a long-term borate barrier targeted at the food source, rather than a broadly dispersed barrier in the soil, the company said.
In addition, BOR-RAM requires relatively few gallons of diluted product per average application, the company said. It also provides greater scheduling flexibility because its window for application (following framing) is significantly longer than soil treatments, which have a narrower application window and can require multiple treatments. BOR-RAM is sold in 4 by-1-gallon cases and 250-gallon totes. It can be tank mixed with Sostram’s MOLD-RAM fungicide to deliver whole-house surface mold and mildew prevention, the company said.
Syngenta Professional Products
Syngenta Professional Products offers pest management professionals two options in pre- and post-construction termite control treatments. Demon MAX offers strong efficacy and reliability of a builder’s pre-treat liquid requirements as well as providing utility for above-ground applications (such as perimeter treatments), the company said. Demon MAX has proven residual activity and low odor. Its dual action both controls and repels termites, making it one of the most effective choices available.
Syngenta also offers ProBuild TC, the cost-effective choice for value-driven pest management professionals. ProBuild TC has been designed for advanced protection at an economical price. In government testing, the ProBuild TC formulation remained effective 10 years and beyond, even in areas like Florida, where termite pressure is extremely heavy, the company said. It also benefits builders by satisfying the pre-construction termite requirements of mortgage lenders and state regulators, and at a cost that’s lower than expected.
Waterbury Companies
Waterbury Companies has introduced D-FOAM Residual with Deltamethrin. D-FOAM offers unique foaming properties that make it ideal for crack and crevice termite treatments, including subterranean, Formosan and drywood species, according to the manufacturer. In addition, D-FOAM is effective against both carpenter ants and carpenter bees. D-FOAM also is authorized for use in food areas as well as a crack and crevice foam application for broad-spectrum control of a wide variety of insects including ants, cockroaches, bees, spiders and many others.
Waterbury Companies reports its goal was to create a deltamethrin foam that offered unprecedented expansion rates in order to fill difficult-to-treat termite galleries and wall voids. D-FOAM expands at a 60:1 ratio, and its proprietary formula dries as a web matrix that keeps killing for up to eight weeks, according to the manufacturer.
Whitmire Micro-Gen
PCOs can close more sales at the kitchen table in 2008 by offering the next generation bait system, the Advance Termite Bait System (ATBS) from Whitmire Micro-Gen, the company said. By offering this bait system as an option for consumers, PCOs have found that they are able to close more sales. And consumer research indicates that 83 percent of homeowners desire to have choice in termite control, the company said.
By showing both liquid and bait options, PCOs demonstrate their knowledge as professionals and will close more sales than by offering liquids alone, the company said. PCOs will benefit from the patented dual-stage design, large bait load and easy serviceability of ATBS.
XT-2000 Orange Oil is 92 percent pure d-Limonene, a renewable essential oil found in oranges. It offers an alternative to traditional methods of drywood termite eradication. XT-2000 Orange Oil contains no synthetic chemicals and has a caution label, which makes it an easy sale to consumers who are looking for product alternatives, the company said.
Many consumers are already familiar and comfortable with orange oil since it appears as an ingredient in many household products, the company said.
XT-2000 Orange Oil is an effective and profitable treatment for drywood termites. It has the unique ability to wick through wood once injected, treating not only the area where the injection occurred, but the surrounding areas as well, the company said. This capillary effect ensures a thorough treatment every time XT-2000 Orange Oil is used.

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