Year | Name, Company |
98 | John Abell, Abell Pest Control |
91 | Paul Adams, Adams Pest Control |
95 | Jimmy Allgood, Allgood Services |
97 | Lonnie Alonso, Columbus Pest Control |
10 | Tom Anderson, Western Exterminator Co. |
10 | Tom Anfora, Western Exterminator Co. |
17 | Juan Angulo Jr., Superior-Angran |
97 | Juan Angulo Sr., Superior-Angran |
04 | Steve Arnold, Peachtree Pest Control |
89 | Roy Ashton, Western Exterminator Co. |
05 | Phil Augustine, Augustine Exterminators |
17 | Stuart Aust, Bug Doctor/Anticimex |
97 | Jim Aycock, Cook’s Pest Control |
04 | Jerry Batzner, Batzner Pest Management |
06 | Greg Baumann, NPMA |
07 | Ron Belknap, Capital City Exterminating Co. |
95 | John Bell, Bell Pest Control |
03 | Rick Bell, Arrow Exterminators |
94 | Richard Berman, Waltham Services |
89 | Norman Besheer, Gunter Exterminating Co. |
11 | Judy Black, The Steritech Group |
07 | Harden Blackwell, Terminix Co. |
93 | Donnie Blake, OPC |
94 | Lee Blevins, Antimite |
08 | Ed Blumenthal, Massey Services |
09 | John Bolanos, Univar |
03 | David Boose, PestMasters Termite & Pest Control |
04 | Ed Bordes, New Orleans Mosquito & Termite Control Board |
16 | Michael Botha, Big Sky Pest Solutions |
10 | Tom Brackett, Terminix International |
93 | Ed Bradbury, Viking Termite & Pest Control |
07 | Jack Broome, PermaTreat Pest Control |
01 | Jay Bruesch, Plunkett’s Pest Control |
20 | Grzegorz Buczkowski, Purdue University |
05 | Debbie Byrne, Western Exterminator Co. |
92 | Robert Caldwell, ACME Exterminating Co. |
11 | Bruce Carter, Carter Services |
99 | Bob Case, Sears Termite & Pest Control |
04 | Stephen Certa, Watch All |
13 | Gene Chafe, Senske Services |
08 | John Chapman, Terminix International |
11 | Chris Christensen, Christensen’s Urban Insect Solutions |
89 | Bill Clark, Bill Clark Pest Control |
92 | Charles Clark, Clark Pest Control |
99 | Jim Clark Sr., Clark Pest Control |
04 | Terry Clark, Clark Pest Control |
93 | Phillip Clegg, Clegg’s Termite & Pest Control |
03 | Greg Clendenin, Middleton Lawn & Pest Control |
18 | Dan Collins, Collins Pest Management |
91 | Ward Combs Sr., Presto-X |
99 | Ward Combs II, Presto-X |
02 | George & Lucy Conn, Conn Pest Control |
89 | John Cook, Cook’s Pest Control |
94 | Bryan Cooksey Jr., McCall Service |
14 | J. Bryan Cooksey III, McCall Service |
91 | Norm Cooper, Exterminating Services Co. (ESCO) |
10 | Phil Cooper, Cooper Pest Solutions |
01 | Richard Cooper, Cooper Pest Solutions |
13 | Pat Copps, Orkin Pest Control |
90 | Noad Corley, Corley Pest Control |
00 | Robert Corrigan, RMC Pest Management Consulting |
96 | Ray Crim, Arrow Exterminators |
90 | Tom DeLay, Albo Pest Control |
98 | Tom Diederich, Orkin Pest Control |
07 | Charles Dixon, Dixon Exterminating Co. |
09 | Robert Dixon, Dixon’s Termite & Pest Control |
94 | Bob Dold, Rose Pest Solutions |
96 | Judy Dold, Rose Pest Solutions |
13 | Robert Dold Jr., Rose Pest Solutions |
11 | Chris Donaghy, Residex-Turfgrass |
02 | Charles Efird, Modern Exterminating Co. |
98 | Norm Ehmann, Van Waters & Rogers |
04 | Eric Eicher, The Steritech Group |
02 | Peter Eldridge, Apex Pest Control |
00 | Bonnie Everts, PESCO Pest Control Services |
01 | Herb Field, Lloyd Pest Control |
18 | Dave Fisher, Rentokil Steritech |
04 | Brian Forschler, University of Georgia |
10 | Tom Forshaw, Forshaw Distribution |
13 | Scott Fortson, Terminix Service |
95 | Tom Fortson, Terminix Service |
13 | Ken Fredrick, Conquistador Termite and Pest Control |
98 | Austin Frishman, AMF Pest Management Services |
97 | Charles Frommer, Evins Pest Control |
18 | Jerry Gahlhoff, Rollins Inc. |
96 | Dickie Gauthreaux, Terminix International |
05 | Jerome Goddard, Mississippi Department of Health |
02 | Roger Gold, Texas A&M University |
20 | Faye Golden, Cook’s Pest Control |
17 | Wayne Golden, Rollins Inc. |
90 | Norman Goldenberg, Terminix International |
04 | Steve Good, Terminix International |
12 | Chris Gorecki, Orkin Pest Control |
94 | Phil Gregory, Gregory Pest Solutions |
91 | Linden Griffin, Griffin Pest Control |
11 | Earl Hallberg, Presto-X |
96 | Philip Hamman, Texas A&M University |
12 | Bobby Hammel, J.C. Ehrlich Co. |
02 | Victor Hammel, J.C. Ehrlich Co. |
06 | Laurel Hansen, Spokane Falls Community College |
95 | Paul Hardy, Orkin Pest Control |
12 | Harold Harlan, Armed Forces Pest Management Board |
07 | Gene Harrington, NPMA |
05 | Joey Harris, Cook’s Pest Control |
15 | Ron Harrison, Rollins Inc. |
00 | Robert Hartley, Truly Nolen of America |
00 | Stoy Hedges, Terminix International |
95 | Leo Holder, End-O-Pest |
05 | Patricia Hottel, McCloud Services |
94 | Charles Hromada, Terminix International |
99 | Tim Hulett, Hulett Environmental Services |
94 | Pat Humphrey, Wicker Lester Humphrey Pest Control |
02 | Jon Isaacs, Schendel Services |
00 | Russ Ives, Rose Pest Solutions |
03 | Allen James, Responsible Industry for a Sound Environment |
89 | Don Jamison, Jamison Pest Control |
93 | Jim Jamison, Jamison Pest Control |
19 | Tom Jarzynka, Massey Services |
97 | Bobby Jenkins, ABC Home & Commercial Services |
08 | Dennis Jenkins, ABC Home & Commercial Services |
99 | Raleigh Jenkins, ABC Home & Commercial Services |
89 | Robert Jenkins, ABC Pest Control |
08 | Sandy Jenkins, ABC Home & Commercial Services |
08 | Valera Jessee, UPF&DA/Georgia Pest Control Association |
95 | Robert John Jr., J&J Exterminating Co. |
95 | Robert John Sr., J&J Exterminating Co. |
11 | Jeff Johnson, A-Active Termite & Pest Control |
12 | Ray Johnson, Johnson Pest Control |
16 | Adam Jones, Massey Services |
93 | Bob Jones, Florida Pest Control & Chemical Co. |
12 | Susan Jones, The Ohio State University |
16 | Dennis Judy, Allgood Pest Solutions |
16 | Dr. Shripat Kamble, University of Nebraska |
99 | Brad Kard, USDA Forest Service |
92 | Michael Katz, Western Exterminator Co. |
01 | Clarke Keenan, Waltham Services |
89 | Richard Keenan, Waltham Services |
14 | Stephen Kells, University of Minnesota |
94 | Jerry Keown, Presto-X |
01 | Ralph Killough, Killo Exterminating Co. |
02 | Richard Kirshner, Aerex Pest Control Services |
18 | Karl Kisner, Univar |
06 | Bob Klein, Assured Environments |
10 | John Klotz, University of California |
09 | Lex Knox, Terminix Service |
95 | Philip Koehler, University of Florida |
08 | Kevin Kordek, A-Active Termite & Pest Control |
02 | Richard Kramer, Innovative Pest Management |
93 | Robert Kunst, Fischer Environmental Services |
01 | Rob Lederer, NPMA |
15 | Jennifer Leggett, Lindsey Pest Services |
93 | Harold Leyse, Adam’s Pest Control |
08 | Todd Leyse, Adam’s Pest Control |
06 | Joe Lupini Loyal, Termite & Pest Control |
05 | Cindy Mannes, Professional Pest Management Alliance |
96 | Andy Mannino Sr., AMCO-Ranger Pest Control |
08 | Jack Marlowe, Eden Advanced Pest Technologies |
96 | Edward Martin Jr., Terminix Service Co. |
92 | Harvey Massey, Massey Services |
12 | Tony Massey, Massey Services |
90 | George Matthews Jr., Modern Exterminating Co. |
90 | George Matthews Sr., Modern Exterminating Co. |
01 | Mike McCauley, The Bug Man |
15 | Chris McCloud, McCloud Services |
08 | Phil McCloud, McCloud Services |
15 | Trace McEuen, Univar |
92 | Vern McKinzie, McKinzie Pest Control |
16 | Scott McNeely, McNeely Pest Control |
19 | Ray Meyers, RJM Contracting |
09 | Dini Miller, Virginia Tech |
02 | Tom Moore, Copesan Services |
03 | Butch Morrison, Adams Pest Control |
06 | Gary Muldoon, Orkin Pest Control/PCO Services |
91 | Larry Musgrove, Musgrove’s Pest Control |
04 | Danny Myers, Myers Pest & Termite Services |
17 | John Myers, Rentokil Steritech |
16 | Tom Myers, All-Rite Pest Control |
13 | Deni Naumann, Copesan Services |
91 | Bruce Nelson, Western Industries |
11 | Phil “Doc” Nichols, Massey Services |
92 | Jay Nixon, American Pest Management |
93 | Bill Nolen, Truly Nolen of America |
95 | Scott Nolen, Truly Nolen of America |
99 | Truly Nolen, Truly Nolen of America |
89 | James Ogle, Lloyd Pest Control |
07 | Jamie Ogle, Lloyd Pest Control |
18 | Faith Oi, University of Florida |
09 | Millard & Ada Oldham, Oldham Chemicals Co. |
92 | John O’Reilly, Plunkett’s Pest Control |
10 | Stacy O’Reilly, Plunkett’s Pest Control |
94 | John Osmun, Purdue University |
03 | Kevin Pass, Action Pest Control |
00 | Ron Pelham, Dewey Pest Control |
09 | David Pomfret, Fahey Pest Management |
01 | Mike Potter, University of Kentucky |
95 | Bert Putterman, Arizona Exterminating Co. |
01 | George Rambo, George Rambo Consulting Services |
10 | Lon Records, Target Specialty Products |
97 | Gordon Redd Jr., Redd Pest Solutions |
91 | J.C. Redd, Redd Pest Control |
20 | Marsha Reeves, Oldham Chemicals Co. |
20 | Tommy Reeves, Oldham Chemicals Co. |
08 | Don Reierson, University of California |
13 | Roland Rhodes, Rhodes Chemical Co. |
07 | Greg Rice, Hulett Environmental Services |
19 | Claudia Riegel, New Orleans Mosquito & Termite Control Board |
00 | Rick Rogers, Myers Pest & Termite Services |
98 | Gary Rollins, Orkin Pest Control |
96 | Bob Rosenberg, NPMA |
97 | Fred Rottler, Rottler Pest & Lawn Solutions |
04 | Mike Rottler, Rottler Pest & Lawn Solutions |
00 | Gary Rowell, Orkin Pest Control |
03 | Bob Rummel, Western Pest Services |
98 | Rick Rupkey Sr., University Termite & Pest Control |
95 | Bill Russell, Eradico Services |
10 | Chuck Russell, Eradico Services |
97 | Robert Russell, Arrow Exterminators |
02 | Mike Rust, University of California |
96 | Richard Sameth, Western Pest Services |
97 | Dempsey Sapp Sr., Florida Pest Control & Chemical Co. |
09 | D.R. Sapp, Florida Pest Control & Chemical Co. |
12 | Jim Sargent, Copesan Services |
96 | Tim Saunders, Mission Pest Control |
13 | Coby Schal, North Carolina State University |
96 | Steve Scherzinger, Scherzinger Pest Control |
91 | John Sessions, Bug-Out Services |
08 | Mark Sheperdigian, Rose Pest Solutions |
14 | Laura Simpson, Dugas Pest Control |
09 | Jeff Singley, Arrow Exterminators |
90 | Gary E. Smith, Mokihana Pest Control |
20 | Kevin Smith, Rolllins Inc. |
93 | Albert Snyder, Palmetto Exterminators |
11 | Jeff Springer, Springer Professional Home Services |
89 | James Steckel, PC Management |
14 | Scott Steckel, Varment Guard Environmental Services |
20 | Jim Steed, Neighborly Pest Management |
90 | Bernard Stegman, Arrow Exterminating Co. |
90 | Harold Stein Jr., Crane Pest Control |
90 | Charles Steinmetz, Sears Termite & Pest Control |
99 | Lois Stevens-Caffey, Adams Pest Control |
06 | Richard Stevenson Sr., Modern Pest Services |
00 | Fred Strickland Jr., Allied Bruce Terminix Companies |
92 | Clay Stroope, Stroope Pest Control |
92 | Don Stroope, Stroope Pest Control |
17 | Dr. Nan-Yao Su ,University of Florida, IFAS |
07 | Dan Suiter, University of Georgia |
94 | Donald Suzuki, Independent Consultant |
09 | Rick Swope, Antimite Termite & Pest Control |
12 | Garry Tank, Buffalo Exterminating |
92 | Bob Taylor, Taylor Services |
01 | Bruce Tennenbaum, Arizona Pest Control |
03 | Billy Tesh, Pest Management Systems |
11 | Emily Thomas, Kendrick Arrow Exterminators |
06 | Joe Thomas, Arrow Exterminators |
99 | Bubba Tindol, Allgood Services of Georgia |
09 | Chuck Tindol, Allgood Pest Solutions |
03 | Alfie Treleven, Sprague Pest Solutions |
91 | Larry Treleven, Sprague Pest Solutions |
93 | Philip Van Dam, Fulton Company |
20 | Darren Van Steenwyk, Clark Pest Control |
15 | Ed Vargo, Texas A&M University |
19 | Ben Walker, Gregory Pest Solutions |
05 | Tom Walters, Western Pest Services |
05 | Bob Wanzer, HomeTeam Pest Defense |
11 | Gerry Wegner, Varment Guard Environmental Services |
06 | Jeff Weier, Sprague Pest Solutions |
19 | Gene White, Rentokil Steritech |
96 | John Whitley, The Steritech Group |
99 | Richard Whitman, Whitman Exterminating |
90 | Bob Williams, Terminix International |
91 | Hugh Wilson, Wilson Pest Control |
89 | Joe Wilson, PermaTreat Pest Control |
10 | John Wilson, Orkin Pest Control |
90 | John Wingate, Wingate Environmental Services |
11 | Charles Wright, North Carolina State University |
97 | Lewis Wright Jr,. Wright Pest Control |
99 | Richard J. Yashek, J.C. Ehrlich Co. |
03 | Pat Zungoli, Clemson University |
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