5 Questions with Courtney Ray

Courtney Ray, Technical Product Director, SenesTech, Inc.

Rodent infestations have become an increasingly challenging problem. Traditional methods for addressing rodent infestations aren’t enough to keep up with their growing numbers. SenesTech, Inc., has examined this problem and developed a revolutionary way to get to the root of the problem.

With a background in conservation biology and ecology, SenesTech’s Technical Product Director, Courtney Ray, explains the benefits of the company’s innovative product, ContraPest®.

1. What is ContraPest®?

ContraPest is an EPA-registered rat contraceptive bait in the form of a highly palatable liquid, developed specifically for Norway (brown) rats and roof (black or ship) rats.

Effective in both males and females, ContraPest is a reproductive inhibitor that restricts fertility in rats, leading to a significant decrease in population numbers. ContraPest extends the existing efforts of your Integrated Pest Management (IPM) program for results you can count on.

2. How does ContraPest work?

ContraPest provides a cumulative effect, thus the more a rat consumes, the greater the result. ContraPest is a contraceptive, not a sterilant, so a continuous supply maintains lower rat numbers.

Because ContraPest targets reproduction, it affects the entire population, not just the individual. It begins working after the initial breeding cycle and results become more apparent after each breeding cycle. When there are no new births, the population begins to decline.

3. Why should I use ContraPest rather than relying only on rodenticides?

Lethal methods remove rats, but survivors can quickly repopulate. ContraPest prevents rebounding populations, allowing for long-term control.

Lethal control by rodenticides can become less effective over time due to rodent behavior, bait aversion, genetic resistance or increased tolerance. Unless all rats in the population are removed, survivors can quickly increase in numbers because of rats’ short reproductive cycles, large litter sizes and ability to re-invade new areas.

Contraceptive bait that lacks negative side-effects is advantageous for an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) program.

4. How can ContraPest increase the effectiveness and profitability of your pest management program?

ContraPest opens up opportunities with environmentally sensitive accounts, allowing for business growth and increased revenues. It can help achieve long-term population control, reducing the time spent serving accounts, while increasing the ability to service more customers (all while allowing for more quality service).

Improving your IPM program delivers better results to customers, increases customer satisfaction and creates greater customer retention.

5. What are current customers saying about ContraPest?

“I can’t express how much ContraPest has changed my business and given an added value to my customers and our services!”

“Since offering it to my clients, ContraPest has given them a sense of relief to a never-ending problem!”

“Within the first three months of deploying ContraPest, we saw a 50 percent reduction in rodent activity. Within six months, we had zero activity. I couldn’t recommend a better product than ContraPest.”

October 2023
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