5 Questions with Kyle Richards

Cockroaches have earned their survivalist reputation for a reason. These pests are a tough problem to control. FMC’s Pest & Nursery Greenhouse Market Manager Kyle Richards discusses effective cockroach strategies and Endius™, a new gel bait option for PMPs.

Kyle Richards, Pest & Nursery Greenhouse Market Manager, FMC
1. What are some best practices for targeting cockroaches?

There are several cultural strategies that PMPs can work on with customers to implement, such as minimizing clutter, food waste and water sources.

Chemical solutions are also important, and a combination of flushing and contact insecticides and gel baits should be used in potential harborage areas. These products need to be rotated often to manage resistance, which is a common problem in cockroach infestations.

2. What is Endius™ Cockroach Gel Bait?

FMC’s latest innovation, Endius Cockroach Gel Bait, is a new solution that PMPs can add into their rotational program. Supporting this highly effective active ingredient, indoxacarb, is an irresistible proprietary bait matrix made from a unique mix of carbohydrates, palatable proteins and sugars.

Endius is labeled for use against German and American cockroaches and can be used in a variety of sites, including food-handling establishments.

3. What was the driving force behind Endius™?

In addition to resistance, another challenge of controlling cockroaches is that they can be bait averse. FMC set out to solve both problems with an effective new option for a PMP’s rotational program that is also highly enticing to cockroaches. As a result of this effort, conducted trials showed that Endius™ and its matrix attracted four times as many cockroaches than competitive products.

4. How will Endius benefit PMPs?

First, the formulation of Endius™ has proven to effectively lure and eliminate cockroaches, making it an ideal addition to a rotational program. Endius can also stand up to the elements to ensure control in almost any conditions. The syringe is made with UV technology, allowing it to retain its viscosity for easy applications.

Once it’s implemented, the bait can sustain high and low temperatures, remaining stable and palatable for further confidence in each application.

5. Where can I go to learn more about Endius?

Learn more about Endius™ and why the matrix matters at https://gss.fmc.com/us/en.

To find your local FMC representative in your area, visit the “Contact” page on the website.


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