5 Questions with Nick Fugate

Nick Fugate, Eastern Region & Canadian Sales Manager for Liphatech, discusses Generation® mini blocks, a longtime go-to product for PMPs looking to effectively control house mice, Norway and roof rats.

Nick Fugate, Eastern Region & Canadian Sales Manager, Liphatech
1. For years, PMPs have chosen Generation mini blocks as a rodent control solution — why has it endured?

Just like rodents, PMPs have been coming back to Generation mini blocks for decades to help them take control of difficult rodent infestations. Generation is effective at controlling commensal nuisance rodents. When PMPs find a product that is as hardworking as they are, they tend to stick with it.

2. What is the active ingredient in Generation?

Generation is a second-generation anticoagulant rodenticide formulated with the scientific power of Liphatech’s exclusive active ingredient difethialone, the same active ingredient in the industry’s leading soft bait, FirstStrike®.

3. Why does this product continue to maintain a place in the PMP toolbox?

Liphatech blocks give PMPs choices and solutions to effectively control rodents amidst a variety of infestation scenarios. Specifically, the palatability of Generation mini blocks makes it an effective solution against rodents. Designed with rodent gnawing edges and a center hole for securing in tamper-resistant bait stations, Generation mini blocks are available in two sizes — 16 lb. pails or cases of four, 4 lb. bags.

4. How should PMPs best utilize other offerings from the Generation product line?

The Generation line also includes pellets and pellet place packs. Generation pellets are an excellent choice for burrow baiting. The pellet shape mimics seeds in the rodent environment and added paraffin provides moisture tolerance for the bait. Generation pellet place packs are ideal for quick and proper bait placement in hard-to-reach baiting locations. A special film on the place pack keeps pellets fresh until they are consumed by rodents.

5. What other recommendations are there for PMPs when using Liphatech mini blocks?

No matter how complex or challenging a rodent control problem is, PMPs can count on Liphatech to help solve it. Liphatech offers a well-tenured team of technical experts who can assist PMPs with making the best block choices while offering guidance such as using cameras for location monitoring or non-toxic attractants that can help them better understand the problem and how to bring it under control.

September 2024
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