5 Questions with Patrick Lynch

Patrick Lynch, A.C.E., Chief Commercial Officer for Bell Laboratories and President of Bell Sensing Technologies, explains how using iQ products provide PMPs with solutions well beyond rodent control.

Patrick Lynch, A.C.E., Chief Commercial Officer, Bell Laboratories, Inc., President, Bell Sensing Technologies
1. Why do you believe rodent monitoring products are necessary for PMPs today?

iQ products, powered by Bell Sensing Technologies, are necessary tools for all PMPs to utilize at every account because iQ products give PMPs solutions that are all encompassing to their business. A rat trap is simply not a rat trap anymore, instead, with iQ technology, it is a solution to complex business problems that PMPs face.

2. What solutions do iQ products provide towards employee retention & recruitment efforts?

Imagine you are a pest control technician who spends a vast majority of their time at an account checking traps without activity. These necessary but laborious tasks are eliminated when using iQ. The increased efficiency frees the technician up to use their knowledge and experience to provide superior pest control and customer service. The ability to use the training and knowledge the PMP has obtained results in a more fulfilling career for all PMPs. Pest control business leaders that choose to make servicing accounts easier and more fulfilling will be able to keep and recruit talented technicians much more easily than others.

3. How does using iQ products contribute to a pest control company’s ability to grow revenue?

The efficiency iQ sensing traps provide, and the rodent knowledge gathered by iQ bait stations, allow for aggressive growth business models. PMPs can choose to use the time saved to increase account visits per day, bringing in more revenue with the same exact head count. The verified rodent knowledge generated by the smart bait stations gives technicians confidence to upsell customers on needed additional services, generating more revenue per stop.

4. What solutions do iQ products provide to protect employee health and safety, reducing injuries and insurance costs?

Effective rodent trap placement involves setting both snap traps and multiple catch devices where rodents travel. This is often in areas that involve employees using ladders, climbing behind heavy machinery, and frequently bending over in back-breaking fashion to visually inspect these traps. When a technician uses an iQ trap, they can verify a trap status from a safe distance. Keeping your employees safe and healthy will result in lowering insurance costs and a happier, more loyal staff.

5. What solutions do iQ products provide to enhance customer service and overall business reviews and ratings?

iQ products enable PMPs and their technicians to continue utilizing whichever rodent control tools they feel are best for the site, the customer, and the environmental conditions. iQ simply means more time for inspection and problem solving on site, professional reporting, and happier technicians, all adding up to higher reviews and ratings across the board for the PMPs.

August 2024
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