I was recently reading the article published in the February 2001 issue by Richard Kramer, and as I read on I kept thinking how this information really applies to post construction treatments since the introduction of BASF Corp.’s Termidor.
In my service area, we have a few companies who fit the "prostitute" role outlined in that article. They have a stranglehold on the real estate termite inspection and treatment market here, and the prices they charge are unbelievable. I have on my desk proposals they have submitted for "Complete Treatment" using "Termidor at .06%" for $395.00. Yes, that’s right — a complete treatment on a basement home for $395.00. Talk about prostituting your company. I found the dimensions on a home they had charged $415.00 to treat, and after "running the numbers" on the proper amount of Termidor for a complete treatment, the cost in chemical alone was $415.16. I can only imagine that these companies figure termite treatments have no value. There can be no other reasonable explanation for this kind of business practice.
All this practice does is give the public the perception that termite control is way overpriced, and that those of us who try to do a quality service for a fair price get pegged as rip-off companies. These prostitute PCOs make it difficult for our industry as a whole. And get this: they are dropping treatment prices at a time when chemical prices, especially Termidor, is going up year after year; insurance costs are going up; advertising costs are rising, and so on. Nothing is getting cheaper for our industry. But these so-called "termite companies" are dropping prices. How does that math work out?
I know I am taking the chance of really irritating some readers who do this kind of stuff. However, I also know of many, many large and small PCOs who are really sick of dealing with these prostitutes and the damage they do to our industry. More and more PCOs are ready to take action to deal with these so-called termite companies, whether it be through exposing their practices or through legal channels. And we have to. We MUST self-police our industry if we are going to reduce the riff-raff out there, since our regulatory agencies are usually understaffed and unable to deal with all the complaints received.
I would encourage all PCOs who are trying to run an honest, quality service business to step up and do your part in putting the pressure on these prostitute companies to conform or get forced out. Our customers deserve better than what these guys are charging for. Our industry deserves a better reputation, and these guys are always going to give us a black eye, so long as they make their dollar. Protect your customers — protect your business interests — protect our industry. Make these companies get up to speed or get out.
To the prostitute companies: Enjoy it while you can. Your day is coming when this industry will no longer put up with you.
Jeff Ledford
1st Choice Pest Services
Wichita, Kansas

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