BackTalk: letters, e-mails and faxes from PCT readers

Noviflumuron SC Update

In the article titled "International Conference Update" in the November issue of PCT, Richard Kramer commented that the noviflumuron suspension concentrate (SC) formulation does not appear to be worth further consideration for cockroach control.

Since the conference, we have analyzed additional data gathered in the laboratory and in the field. Results showed more than 85% mortality to cockroach nymphs after exposure to 0.05% SC treated panels aged for 120 days. In field studies, all apartments treated with noviflumuron SC at 0.2% and 0.5% had more than 70% cockroach reduction at 18 and 24 weeks after initial treatment. The result was comparable to that of Maxforce Roach Bait Stations (0.05% fipronil) and Avert dust bait (0.05% abamectin). Results of this study will be submitted for publication in the Journal of Economic Entomology.

Changlu Wang, Ph.D.
Department of Entomology
Purdue University
West Lafayette, Ind.

Pro Of The Year Thank You

Thank you so much for the honor of being selected the 2002 Professional of the Year. The award itself was quite a surprise. But even more so, was the flood of congratulatory cards, letters, phone calls and e-mails I received all through December and January. My sincere thanks and gratitude to everyone; it has all been very heartwarming.

A day doesn’t go by, when I don’t feel privileged to be part of this fabulous and exciting industry.

Bobby Corrigan
President, RMC Consulting
Richmond, Ind.

Leadership Award Appreciated

I want to thank all of my friends at PCT for the honor of being named to the Leadership Class of 2002. The wonderful working relationship I have had with PCT over the past six years has been one of the joys of my professional career and is one of the reasons I attained this honor.

PCT magazine and the many other technical publications produced by the staff of PCT are resources unequalled in our industry. PCT’s recent ventures into specialty technical programs have provided an outstanding forum for the exchange of ideas and technical enhancement of our industry.

Richard D. Kramer, Ph.D., BCE
Director of Technical Services
American Pest Management
Takoma Park, Md.

Readers with comments are invited to write to PCT Letters, 4012 Bridge Ave., Cleveland OH 44113. Letters also can be faxed to 216/961-0364 or e-mailed to Letters may be edited for space or clarity.


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