20,000 Bees Chase a Car for Two Days to Locate their Queen

A four-door Mitsubishi Outlander gains more than four passengers.

 A nature reserve visitor got more than she bargained for when a bee colony’s matriarch followed her home.

A swarm of bees followed their trapped queen inside the trunk of Carol Howarth’s Mitsubishi Outlander for two days straight. When a queen bee changes hives, the colony is known to follow. So when 68-year-old Howarth was driving back from a local nature reserve and stopped in Haverfordwest, west Wales, she noticed thousands of tiny hitchhikers – all 20,000 of them – attached to the back of her car. 
The local beekeepers’ association was called along with a few rangers to see if the situation could be controlled. Click here to read the entire article.