EvolveTY Announces AGP Beta Update

Evolve YT’s Accelerated Gross Profit (AGP) beta has been underway for a month and the company says it is seeing promising results as well as revelations for its soft launch in May 2022.

Evolve YT’s Accelerated Gross Profit (AGP) beta has been underway for a month and the company says it is seeing promising results as well as revelations for its soft launch in May 2022.  

The AGP beta, which is a new program developed by Evolve YT, uses one-on-one coaching techniques as well as virtual classroom-setting trainings to influence a supervisor’s actions through a series of specific activities that will help accelerate the gross profit of a company. 

“We know what we believe to be true about the beta,” said CEO Phil Cooper, “which is, if we can get service managers to do the prescribed activities and execute them properly, then it will move the needle on the five key metrics, which ultimately increases gross profit.”

Cooper explained that there are five key metrics being measured in the AGP program that are based around the Six Fundamentals to Accelerating Gross Profit. The five metrics being measured on a regular basis are production, employee experience, reputation management, customer experience and cost of goods sold (COGS)/ gross profit. 

“The activities that we have our beta supervisors conducting move the needle on our five metrics and are based around the Six Fundamentals to Accelerating Gross Profit,” Cooper said. 

According to Cooper, the Six Fundamentals to Accelerating Gross Profit are as follows: 

• Making Your People Great 
• Leadership Skills 
• Leveraging Generations
• Filling the team with Talent
• Managing Cost of Goods Sold to Drive Profitability
• Exquisite Communications

As with any beta, Evolve YT encountered some bumps in the road during their first month, but major revelations were discovered during this time to help build out the program for the soft launch. 

“What we noticed is that our original program, which was only supposed to be a 16-week beta, is proving out to be two different phases, one of which includes a 16-week implementation period,” said Robert DiJoseph, president of Evolve YT. 

DiJoseph explained that it was realized that the program needed to be separated into two different phases to properly execute it. 

“We realized that our original 16-week plan was flawed,” he said. “By acknowledging that, we have developed an improved program that includes two different phases. Phase One, the Discovery Phase, will be about 2-3 weeks long where we will be gathering all of our initial data as well as in-person evaluations. Then Phase Two, the Implementation Phase, will be the 16-week phase where we execute our activities to influence the service manager’s behaviors and ultimately increase gross profit.” 

According to DiJoseph, there will also be a “Phase Three,” which is still in development, after the conclusion of the 16-week Implementation Phase that will be used to reinforce the activities of the service managers for continued success. 

“Each Phase is equally important to the end goal of accelerating gross profit,” DiJoseph said. “We need to have a baseline of the manager to be able to execute our activities based around the fundamentals in order to move the needle on the five metrics. But it doesn’t end there because reinforcement of those activities is just as important as the execution to make sure our supervisors are continuing to increase gross profit.”

The beta, which includes participants from Pest-End Inc. in New Hampshire, ATCO Pest Control in California, and Accel Pest & Termite Control in Virginia and Ohio, are starting to see promising progression as the companies are witnessing the behavior changes in their managers, EvolveYT reports.

Although the beta is extended until April 15, Cooper and DiJoseph expect to have a soft launch of the AGP program beginning in May.

“We are expecting to have about 15-20 companies hand-picked for the soft launch in May and are hoping to bring the program to market by September,” Cooper said.

As far as what companies can expect to get out of the AGP program, Cooper explained that they should expect to see a 2-4% increase in gross profit as well as increases in all five key metrics, for service managers during the four-month implementation of AGP along with continued improvement as part of the ongoing program. 

The AGP Program is expected to have its soft launch in May with an anticipated market date of September 2022. For more information on the AGP program, click here or visit www.EvolveYT.com to see the upcoming Supervisor Development courses. 

Phil Cooper to Present ‘Building Your Team’s Greatness’ Course to CTPCA. The Connecticut Pest Control Association (CTPCA) will be holding its January virtual Management Track featuring the “Building Your Team’s Greatness” course from Evolve YT on Jan. 27. 
The virtual event features the Six Fundamentals to Accelerating Gross Profit. Through proven processes and implementable actions, supervisors will learn the daily and weekly activities that it takes to make them and their direct reports great. 
“These activities will teach your supervisors how to be effective and efficient with their time to improve productivity, employee experience, talent acquisition and reduce the costs of goods sold,” said Phil Cooper, CEO of Evolve YT. “Attendees will leave with actionable steps that can be put into practice immediately to accelerate your gross profit.”

The CTPCA “Building Your Team’s Greatness” session is scheduled for January 27, 2022, at 10 a.m. EST. Members of CTPCA can attend for free and the non-member price is $45. Click here to register.

For more information on the Supervisor Development Courses at Evolve YT, visit www.EvolveYT.com