Greetings from FieldRoutes

There’s no shortage of challenges facing our industry right now. Chief among them is the ongoing labor shortage, which is impacting organizations everywhere, making it harder than ever to grow your business and provide the top-quality services your customers deserve.

These issues alone are enough to disrupt even the most prosperous businesses. When you add in rising costs and interest rates, high fuel prices, persistent supply chain issues, and a multitude of other frustrations, it’s become crystal clear that staying the course and doing things the way they’ve always been done simply won’t cut it anymore.

Indeed, the organizations that pivot quickly and make the proper adjustments right now will undoubtedly put themselves in an excellent position to succeed despite the onslaught of challenges. This is a battle you can’t win by yourself. It will take strategic decisions, strong partnerships, improved efficiencies, and of course, a dedicated team — all going in the same direction. That’s why finding, hiring, training, and retaining quality employees has never been more critical.

We’re proud to sponsor impactful initiatives like the NPMA’s Workforce Program and this important supplement, which highlights key ways to effectively address these pressing labor issues. Inside, you’ll find fresh ideas to help you acquire and retain talent, tips to increase efficiency, and advice on how to properly measure your team’s productivity.

You’ll also learn how to leverage the power of modern technology to do more with the team you already have in place. As a technology partner, we’re in a unique position to help pest control operators like you do exactly that. Over the years, we’ve constantly evolved our software to help our customers meet their challenges head-on and achieve success their way by making life easier for their team and their customers. We do it with powerful automation features, innovative developments, and a simple interface that makes it easy to onboard and train your team quickly.

Our intelligent routing helps you fight back against high fuel expenses, automated communications — like appointment and payment reminders — free up valuable time for your team, and our real-time reporting helps you make crucial, data-driven decisions for your business.

We’re proud to serve this industry, and we’re committed to doing our part to ensure your hard work continues to pay off in meaningful ways. I hope you enjoy reading through this supplement and walk away with some new ideas to help put these current challenges in the rearview.

William Chaney

Chief Executive Officer, FieldRoutes

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