Thank you for the great honor bestowed upon me in Las Vegas with the Leadership Award. It was a special pleasure being a classmate of such exceptional people. The ceremony was impressive and I will display my plaque proudly and prominently. Thank you again for this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
Bonnie Everts
PESCO Pest Control Services Inc.
Indianapolis, Ind.
Since Dad’s death the outpouring of love and support we have received has overwhelmed us. We are especially appreciative to PCT for its donation to the Clayton C. Wright scholarship fund at Texas A&M. We know that Dad would be pleased if he could know how PCT has honored him. He was blessed to have so many generous friends. He would be especially pleased to know that young people will have the opportunity to study entomology because of PCT’s gift. Dad saw education as the key to unlock the future and open the doorway to success in life. It was his great passion. Thank you for PCT’s contribution, which will help to open doors for aspiring entomologists of the 21st century.
Thomas L. Wright
B&G Chemicals & Equipment Co.
Dallas, Texas
Our industry lost a very special friend on Tuesday, October 31, 2000, with the death of Bob Russell. Bob was dedicated to our industry, both at the local and national level. He was one of a handful of people in this industry who had the background from the field and also understood the intricacies of regulation and legislation and its impact on both the small PCO, as well as the major companies. He could clearly articulate those differences so everyone understood.
Bob Russell has received every award and recognition that our industry presents to its outstanding leaders. How timely it was that he was awarded the Pinnacle Award at this year’s National Pest Management Association convention. However, he never strived for recognition. He was a young 80 year old who was as involved in our industry currently as he was the year he served as NPMA president. Bob will be sorely missed as an industry workhorse, a leader, as well as a great friend.
Jerry W. Keown
General Manager
Omaha, Neb.
Readers are invited to write to PCT Letters, 4012 Bridge Ave., Cleveland OH 44113. Letters also can be faxed to 216/961-0364, or e-mailed to jdorsch@pctonline.com. Letters may be edited for space or clarity.

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