Collateral Materials for Massey-Middleton Integration

Included in June PCT is “The Art of the Acquisition,” an in-depth report on how Massey Services integrated Middleton Lawn & Pest Control, which it recently acquired. Massey Services shared how it used various marketing/communication tools to integrate its new co-workers and customers

Included in June PCT is “The Art of the Acquisition,” an in-depth report on how Massey Services integrated Middleton Lawn & Pest Control, which it recently acquired.

Massey Services shared how it used various marketing/communication tools to integrate its new co-workers and customers, including:

Bag Stuffer – As a way to further enhance communication with customers during the critical integration period Massey Services created professional fliers.

Massey Customer Letter – To allay any fears that previously signed service agreements or guarantees would not be honored the Integration Team mailed a letter on Massey/Middleton letterhead stating that customers may "notice some changes" in the coming weeks, but the changes "will be made without disruption to your service or service technician. Be assured, all guarantees and agreements will remain intact."

Special Announcement - To ensure the company got off on the right foot with Middleton’s 500+ employees, within hours of the sale a special "welcome" letter was drafted by Harvey and Tony Massey. The letter highlighted the "shared values" of the two organizations, using purposefully deferential language to welcome Middleton’s employees – who were arch rivals just 24 hours before – into the fold. (Click here to view a similar announcement written for Massey employees).

June 2010
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