McCloud Services Announces Anna Berry as Walter Award Recipient

Berry is the fifth recipient of the annual award, which recognizes employees who showcase exceptional character and demonstrate a priority on innovation, teamwork and leadership.

SOUTH ELGIN, Ill. — McCloud Services announced that training manager and entomologist Anna Berry has been named the company’s fifth Walter Award recipient. This annual award recognizes employees who showcase exceptional character and demonstrate a priority on innovation, teamwork and leadership.
From numerous company-wide nominations, Berry was selected as this year’s Walter Award recipient for her unparalleled industry knowledge, dedication to training McCloud service specialists and her commitment to the company. Through her McCloud committee calls, webinars and monthly training meetings, Berry stays organized and develops programming to keep attendees engaged and interested. This allows McCloud’s training programs to excel and offer valuable research, skills and insights to specialists so they can stay up to date on the latest pest management trends.
Berry received two nominations from her colleagues for this award, one from recruiter Julie LeSueur and a nomination from Michael Rector, regional technical manager. Both noted her integrity, respect for others, and priority to quality and safety. “Anna is an excellent trainer for our training Academies. I was able to see for myself the commitment Anna devotes to her work,” said LeSueur. 
Rector echoed Berry’s devotion to McCloud and training. “Anna’s contribution and ability to motivate people is second to none. She has helped so many at McCloud grow, me included. Anna is always willing to go above and beyond if it is for the better good of employees and the company. She is a true inspiration.”
In 2015, McCloud created the Walter Award to honor members of the McCloud team who consistently model and promote outstanding leadership qualities and exceptional character. The nominations are submitted by colleagues at McCloud and honor those who demonstrate McCloud’s core values: honesty, integrity, respect, safety and quality.