Misconceptions Around Marketing Webinar is Tomorrow

Hal Coleman, a former PCO, will share his experience with what does – and doesn’t – work when it comes to pest control marketing in webinar sponsored by FieldRoutes.

Misconception webinar

What: Misconceptions Around Marketing Webinar, Sponsored by FieldRoutes
When: June 14 at 2 p.m. (EST)
Description: Pest control marketing involves much more than coming up with an eye-popping logo and/or catchy slogan. It includes thorough research and planning to develop a strategy for best reaching potential customers. Add to the mix the numerous sales/marketing outlets available in the digital age, the task of developing a successful marketing strategy can seem daunting. In the “Misconceptions Around Marketing” webinar, sponsored by FieldRoutes, one the pest control industry’s leading marketers, Hal Coleman, a former PCO, will share his experience with what does – and doesn’t – work when it comes to pest control marketing. A humorous and provocative speaker, Coleman will share tips for helping you get your business on a faster growth track without spending a fortune on SEO and advertising.