NEPMA Recognizes MDAR For Pesticide Program Regulatory Improvements

The Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources (MDAR) was recognized for making significant improvements administering the state’s pesticide program.

On March 22, 2021, the New England Pest Management Association presented the Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources with a plaque recognizing the department for making significant improvements administering the state’s pesticide program. The award was made at the March Pesticide Board meeting by NEPMA President Tom Drapeau. Over the past several years the department has moved from a paper based program relying on mailing various forms and applications back and forth. The entire program is now nearly all electronic, with the latest improvement making the applicator exam processing and tests 100% computer based. License exams are now available on demand, 24/7.
“No longer are hiring decisions based on fixed exam dates at limited locations around the state. Hiring decisions can now be made based on needs of the business,” said NEPMA President Tom Drapeau. “As of March about 400 people have taken the applicator exam on line with few problems reported. These improvements stand to save pest control businesses significant expense.”
NEPMA represents the pest control industry in Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, Maine and Vermont. MDAR is the state lead agency regulating pesticides in Massachusetts. The Massachusetts Pesticide Board creates pesticide public policy, advises the agency and registers pesticides.