Here’s a look at results from a recent Reader Poll:
How much of an impact does heavy rain have on termite swarms?
Source: PCT Reader Poll, March 2017
PCT recently hosted the following webinar, “Zika and the Unique Challenges of ‘Container’ Mosquito Control: Biology, Operations, and Growth Opportunities,” sponsored by Valent BioSciences. Visit “online extras” on the PCT Online homepage and download the archived version of this webinar.
PCT Podcast: Ant Control in Food Facilities
When it comes to ant management in food facilities there are a number of important considerations. Food plants may experience problems with ants being shipped in or on product or inside wooden pallets. They also may come inside from the surrounding exterior as they search for food or new nest sites. PCT caught up with McCloud Services Technical Director Pat Hottel to get her insights into keeping food plants ant-free. Download this podcast.
More CEU Credits Approved for PCT’s Label Training Program
PCT announced that eight states have approved CEU credits —a total of 300 credits — for PCT’s online label training program: The credits break down as follows: Delaware (44); Massachusetts (13); Michigan (46); New Jersey (50); New Mexico (48); Oklahoma (48); South Carolina (31); and Tennessee (20). With the necessary programming in place to meet various state’s continuing education CEU approval requirements, PCT has been submitting its courses to those states that recognize online training for CEU credit. Additional state approvals are expected.
Nominate a Technician of the Year
In April, PCT launched its annual Technician of the Year awards program. The awards, sponsored by BASF, recognize a trio of standout service professionals in the residential, commercial and termite categories. Be sure to nominate your company’s standout service professionals. For your convenience you can download a PDF of the form, or fill out the online form. Both are available at