Here’s a look at results from a recent Reader Poll:
What is your biggest legislative concern for 2017?
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Connect with PCT on social media, including our Facebook page and Twitter feed, which is a great news outlet for mobile devices. Also, PCT’s LinkedIn page is ideal for networking.
SLIDESHOW: Noteworthy Photo Contest Entries
Included in this issue is the winning picture and finalist photos from PCT’s annual contest (in this issue and also available online). Visit online extras on the PCT Online homepage for other noteworthy photos from our 15th annual contest.
SchoonmakerPCT Podcast: Picking the Right People
PCT interviewed Brian Schoonmaker, president of Capitol Pest, Bethesda, Md., for the feature “Picking the Right People.” The article explored challenges PCOs are dealing with when it comes to finding the right employees. Visit “online extras” for a podcast in which Schoonmaker shares some of his experiences attracting and retaining quality employees. The podcast also can be downloaded at here.
Seven New Label Training Modules Live on PCT’s DLC
PCT’s Distance Learning Center continues to expand with the addition of the following label training modules: AMVAC’s Nuvan Fog; BASF’s Termidor SC Termiticide/Insecticide (4 parts); Liphatech’s Takedown Soft Bait; and Syngenta’s Weatherblok XT. Created by Board Certified Entomologist and consultant Stoy Hedges, the courses use photographs, video clips and reference materials to challenge users’ knowledge, experience and problem-solving skills for a wide range of products and pest problems. Accessible by PC, tablet or smartphone, Distance Learning Center training is presented in modules designed to take a half-hour to an hour to complete. Visit to get started.