ONLINE ONLY: Baiting For Roaches In Manholes

The following American cockroach control technique in manholes has proven effective.


This American cockroach control technique in manholes was related to me by Dr. Bobby Corrigan and has proven effective:

Fold a large piece of 1/4-inch hardware cloth over upon itself several times. Keep the folds loose enough that cockroaches can easily move between them. Partially unfold the hardware cloth and lay it onto a piece of plastic. Apply liberal amounts of a gel cockroach bait over the hardware cloth and rub it onto the wires of the cloth (wear disposable latex gloves). Refold the cloth and hang it inside the manhole so the cloth touches the sides. You may need to hammer a nail or affix a hook into the side of the manhole onto which the hardware cloth can be hung. Often, within minutes, the cloth will become covered by cockroaches feeding on the bait. Reapply the bait following the same procedure as often as needed when the bait has been depleted. Once the cockroach population has been reduced, remove the cloth.

Editor’s note: This sidebar, written by Stoy Hedges, was an online only item complementing Hedges’ May story “Big Roaches, Big Jobs” which can be found HERE.

May 2002
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