ONLINE ONLY: Publications Addressing The Misidentification Of Brown Recluse Spider Bites

ONLINE ONLY: Publications Addressing The Misidentification Of Brown Recluse Spider Bites

Vetter, R. S. and P. K. Visscher. 1998. Bites and stings of medically important venomous arthropods. International Journal of Dermatology 37:481-496

Vetter, R. S. 2000. Brown recluse and other recluse spiders: Integrated pest management in and around the home. Univ. Calif. Pest Notes #7468, 4pp.

Vetter, R. S. 2000. Myth: idiopathic wounds are often due to brown recluse or other spider bites throughout the United States. Western Journal of Medicine 173:357-358

Vetter, R. S. and S. P. Bush. 2002. Chemical burn misdiagnosed as brown recluse spider bite. American Journal of Emergency Medicine 20: ***

 Vetter, R. S. and S. P. Bush. 2002. The diagnosis of brown recluse spider bite is overused for dermonecrotic wounds of uncertain etiology. Annals of Emergency Medicine 39: ***-***

Vetter, R. S. and S. P. Bush. 2002. Presumptive brown recluse spider bites reinforce logistically improbable diagnoses in non-endemic North America. Clinical Infectious Diseases 33:***-***


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