Partners in Grime

Sanitation and harborage issues are so often an issue with cockroaches that getting the customer on board becomes critical to effectively managing them. Although many pest management companies go with a low- or no-prep approach to treatment, most agree that customers need to understand the conditions that are conducive to cockroach well-being, so they can help eliminate them and gain long-term control.

“A lot of customers freak out when they have flying peridomestic roaches, but I tell them I’d rather be dealing with those than domestic roaches, because the customer can take preventive actions that really help: cleaning gutters; keeping leaf litter and pine straw to a minimum; trimming back trees and shrubs; sealing windows and doors; and ensuring they have good attic ventilation to minimize moisture,” said Caleb Bales of American Pest Control.

With German cockroaches, an ongoing partnership is required to gain and maintain control. “We don’t require prep, but we do explain that it provides us with better access if the customer takes actions like

putting away or covering any dishes,” Bales said. “Our technicians also point out and explain fecal focal points to customers, and emphasize the importance of cleaning those areas. It reduces frass for nymphs to feed on and allows us to narrow down areas of infestation. It really is a partnership, because the customer can play such an important role in monitoring the situation. In addition to follow-up visits, we text them periodically to check in, and we invite them to reach out to their technicians when they have concerns.”


July 2023
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