More From the 40th Annual University of Kentucky Short Course

Supplemental photo coverage from the 40th Annual University of Kentucky Short Course, which was held Nov. 15-17, 2010, in Lexington.

Dr. Ken Yeargan, Department of Entomology, University of Kentucky, discussed the biology, behavior and control of spiders in his well-attended session, “Think Like a Spider.”



Participants in a panel discussion about “Termite Protection Plans” included (left to right) PMPs Kevin Pass, Kevin Kordek, Steve Good, and Cindy Mannes. The session was moderated by Donnie Blake, owner of OPC Pest Control, Louisville, Ky., and Tim Leatherman, owner of Perfection Pest Control, Florence, Ky. (far right).




Kevin Pass, owner of Action Pest Control (left), and Kevin Kordek, president of the National Pest Management Association, answer questions from conference attendees.


Large crowds attended the educational sessions at the 40th Annual Kentucky Pest Control Short Course.

David Duncan of, Crestline, Ohio, shared real-world stories about “Extreme Wasp and Bee Control.”



PMPs learned about the industry’s newest products in the exhibit area.



Dr. Michael Potter welcomes a standing-room-only crowd to the 40th Annual Kentucky Pest Control Short Course.



Mike Masterson, star of “The Verminators” on the Discovery Channel.



Dr. Chris Christensen (left) presented a plaque to Dr. Mike Potter for his years of dedicated service to the Kentucky Pest Control Association and Kentucky Pest Control Short Course.



Don Jamison, owner of Jamison Pest & Lawn, Memphis, Tenn., led a session on “Getting the Most from Your Employees.”


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