PCT Business Boosters Webinar: Inspection and Control Tips for Effective Mosquito Control

Join entomologist Stoy Hedges — along with BASF's Jason Meyers and Luke Barnett and Patton Termite and Pest's Gerry Marsh — on Wednesday as they provide hands-on advice to help you boost your mosquito control program.

On Wednesday, from 2 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. (EST), entomologist Stoy Hedges, along with BASF's Jason Meyers and Luke Barnett and Patton Termite and Pest's Gerry Marsh, on Wednesday, will provide hands-on advice to help PCOs boost their mosquito control program in the first PCT Business Boosters Webinar, Inspection and Control Tips for Effective Mosquito Control.

The webinar is free of charge. CLICK HERE to register.

Description: In the midst of a global pandemic, mosquito control remains one of the fastest-growing segments in the pest control industry. In fact, a number of pest control companies reported record-setting mosquito sales in the first quarter, driven by stay-at-home orders and summer “staycations,” as customers invest in protecting their families from these insidious pests. As protectors of public health, PMPs are well positioned to respond to this growing need, but it requires a commitment to providing the highest quality inspection and control services.
Join industry consultant Stoy Hedges, B.C.E., as he shares practical tips for identifying the most common mosquito resting and breeding sites around structures, as well as the latest insights on successful treatment strategies based on his more than three decades of industry experience controlling mosquitoes in both residential and commercial settings.
Also, joining the conversation will be Dr. Jason Meyers and Luke Barnett of BASF to discuss effective solutions for insect control problems. Gain first-hand knowledge on how PMPs provide high quality services and have your questions answered during this lively 90-minute discussion. Just announced: Patton Termite and Pest's Gerry Marsh will provide his advice and share his expertise based on his experience performing mosquito control work.