If you haven’t gotten on the social media marketing (SMM) bandwagon yet because you think it’s just a fad with no real bottom line benefit, think again.
For example, a professional speaker has been using SMM for less than six months and has received two book contracts with mainstream publishers, has contracted four full-fee speaking engagements, has secured a keynote for a large international convention, has been contracted for a monthly column in a large distribution magazine, has received a consulting deal in a new niche market and has contracted with two foreign governments for consulting services — all because of social media marketing.
"That’s just a fluke and I’m not a professional speaker, I’m a pest management professional," you may say. Not so. The fact is for those who do SMM regularly, these kinds of results are more common than you’d think.
If you’re ready to receive some serious benefits from your SMM campaign, adhere to the dos and don’ts on the next page.
The Don’ts
Don’t Be Unpredictable. You want people to know that they’re going to get a message from you every Monday, Wednesday and Friday (or whatever days you decide). So pick a distribution schedule and stick with it. If necessary, put reminders in your calendar so you remember to post your microblogs on those days.
Don’t Abandon Your Traditional PR Efforts. Don’t assume that you can abandon everything outside of the social media marketing realm once you start having some success. SMM is just one part of the funnel that brings people to you. It’s a useful and cheap part, but you also need the credibility and marketing from other traditional publicity tools, such as print publicity, radio interviews and television appearances.
Also, some online reputation sites will give you a lower ranking if you don’t have anything in the "real world." Just remember, you still need media exposure and a physical presence, in addition to your online presence.
Acclaimed financial expert Suze Orman is at the top of her game because you see her name everywhere — she’s interviewed in magazines and newspapers, is seen on TV and heard over the radio. That’s why so many of us rely on her advice — she is seen as the financial expert because she is all over the media. So, be sure to keep getting publicity in print and other traditional media, in addition to generating attention with SMM.
Don’t Be Negative. Unless your image or brand has something to do with complaining, don’t do it. It’s better to give positive reinforcement in your microblogs because people are bombarded with negative messages every day. You don’t want your message to be lost among the other negative ones. You want to be the one positive thing in people’s day. You want them to look forward to the next time they get your message.
The Dos
Do Follow the Right Format for Your Microblogs. Be sure that your microblogs include helpful advice, insightful tips or unique trends that your followers will learn from; this kind of information will grab their attention and make them want more. Each microblog should be 140 characters, including punctuation and spacing, in addition to your website link at the end. The more helpful and unique your messages are, the more interest you will generate, thus bringing more people back to your site.
Do "Funnel" Your SMM Contacts to Your Web site. The goal of your microblogs is not only to reach your target audience and help them solve their problems, but also to drive them back to your website to sell your products or services. That’s why it’s so important to include your website at the end of your microblog message. So, when your readers want more information or want to buy your products and services, they can go directly to the source: you!
Do Have a Place to Collect All Your Postings. Anytime you do a post on Twitter, Facebook or any of the other SMM sites, you’re really creating a microblog. You need a place where your microblogs collect. Twitter provides that service, but if you use theirs you’re giving them all the traffic. Rather, have your microblogs collect on your own blog. Then you can have your long posts there, as well as your shorter microblogs.
Do Devote Enough Time to Your SMM campaign. Individuals who are successful with SMM spend an average of five to seven hours per week developing and working within their network. If you can write your microblogs quickly you won’t add too much time. Remember, it’s not always about the number of contacts you collect, but rather having the "right" contacts and reaching your target audience.
Do Make Sure Your Profile is 100 Percent Complete. You won’t get ranked in the social media searches unless your profile is 100 percent complete. Realize that a photo for your profile accounts for 20 to 40 percent of your ranking, so if you don’t include a picture, you’re setting yourself up for failure. Therefore, the biggest profile factor after your name and e-mail address is your photo. And by the way, logos don’t count as a photo, even if your logo includes a picture of a face. The bottom line is if you want your message to spread through the Internet, make sure your profile is complete.
Get Famous with SMM. Social media marketing is a vital addition to any PR campaign. When you follow these simple dos and don’ts, you’ll get people following your every move, which will lead to more customers and higher sales — the exact payoff every pest management business needs.
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