Rentokil Acquires Western Exterminator
READING PA. and ANAHEIM, CALIF. — After months of speculation, Rentokil Initial announced on Sept. 25 that it has acquired the assets of Western Exterminator Company for $114.6 million, which includes a deferred consideration of up to $15 million payable within 18 months, from existing financial facilities. As part of the deal, Rentokil also acquires Target Specialty Products, the Santa Fe Springs, Calif.-based distributor owned by Western (see related story, below on the right).
The deal means Rentokil will become the third largest pest control company in the North American market with annual revenues in excess of $330 million, according to a Rentokil news release. Western reported 2011 revenues of $94.8 million and it services California, Nevada and Arizona. The acquisition greatly expands the footprint of Rentokil North America, a $246-million operation. With brands J.C. Ehrlich, Presto-X and Watch All, Rentokil is a major player throughout the East Coast and Midwest; the addition of Western gives Rentokil a much-needed West Coast presence and platform for expansion in this region.
John Myers, president and CEO of Rentokil North America, told PCT that Western Exterminator is an important piece of the puzzle that was missing. “When you think about how strong the pest control markets are in California, Arizona and Nevada and when you think about how big those economies are — that was a huge gap,” he said.
A New Day at Target Included in Rentokil’s acquisition of Western Exteminator is Target Specialty Products, the distributor owned by Western that serves the western and central regions of the U.S. from 13 branch locations. Similar to how Western fills a Rentokil geographical void, Target fits nicely with Rentokil’s distribution arm, Ehrlich Distribution, Myers said. “We go as far west as Topeka, Kan., and Target goes as far east as Oklahoma, so if you look at a map that is a nice fit,” he said. “We will combine the two entities and build one large distribution business. We are excited about what that brings to the marketplace. In distribution, larger is better. We are real excited about how this will help our third-party customers as well as our internal customers.” Another benefit of the merger is that Target has a much stronger turf & ornamentals presence than Ehrlich Distribution. “We are real excited about the synergies we are going to get from Target to enter the turf business throughout North America,” he said. Myers added that Target will continue to operate under the Target brand. — Brad Harbison |
Another of Rentokil’s acquisition criteria is culture fit, and again Western was a great match, Myers said. “[Western President] Mike Katz and I were kind of completing each other’s sentences when we discussed what we believe in with our employees and our customers.”
Myers said Rentokil began discussions with Western Exterminator in September 2011, but the two parties were well acquainted because of a 20-year business relationship between Katz, and Victor and Bobby Hammel, owners of J.C. Ehrlich, which, in 2006, became Rentokil’s first major U.S. acquisition and first platform company. In 1992, Victor Hammel and Katz created a co-op partnership whereby they shared experiences with operations such as information technology, service excellence and call center training.
Why Now? Western Exterminator had long been pursued by large national pest control companies seeking to expand their West Coast presence. With a reputation for quality service dating back to its founding 90-plus years ago and the iconic Little Man logo, Western is perhaps the most recognizable pest control brand in the West. The company also has a stellar management team including Katz; Tom Anfora, vice president and general manager; Debbie Byrne, vice president of administration; and Mike Lawton, vice president of commercial pest. These and other assets made the company attractive to suitors.
While Western’s management team has provided the company with stable leadership, Western’s future as an independent, family-owned firm had been uncertain. Western was founded in 1921 by Carl Strom, and was still under the ownership of three families that descended from him — Strom, Lovejoy and Anderson. Katz said that, like a lot of family-run businesses, Western was challenged with passing the company’s ownership down to subsequent generations. “Of the 10 fourth-generation members, we have one in the business right now. I think they felt it was time to make a move to allow the company and the people in it to move forward as well and as positively as possible. Frankly, I thank them for having that kind of judgment and willingness to make a decision that I think was not easy for them.”
Becoming a part of Rentokil, Katz believes, will allow the Western traditions and culture to continue. Katz said he’s observed how J.C. Ehrlich and Presto-X, companies similar to Western, have flourished after being acquired by Rentokil. “I know people at both of those companies and I see people there growing and taking advantage of opportunities and being very happy at what they do. And that speaks more to me than anything else.”
Moving Forward. What’s next for new Western? The goal for both Katz and Myers is to make the transition as seamless as possible. Katz, 62, will continue as Western president and the Western management team will remain intact, overseeing close to 1,000 employees at 36 offices. Also, Myers said that prior to the acquisition Rentokil had two service professionals in California, but otherwise there are no overlapping territories.
Katz now reports directly to Myers, who said, “I am going to be the guy behind Mike making sure he gets the resources he needs to be successful, but it’s not the John Myers show — it’s the Mike Katz show.”
Western Exterminator Company also now becomes part of a publicly-held business, which has both pros and cons. The pros are that it will now have easier access to capital. The cons include having to report results quarterly and be beholden to shareholders on a quarterly basis. Myers does not anticipate much of an impact here, and again refers to acquired companies J.C. Ehrlich, Presto-X and Watch All. “We’ve been able to maintain the integrity of what each of those businesses stood for without making them a corporate entity,” he said.
The acquisition is expected to close later this year subject to regulatory approval. — Brad Harbison
Industry Charts Future Course Following Rob Lederer’s Resignation
FAIRFAX, VA. — For the last 17 years, National Pest Management Association (NPMA) Executive Vice President Rob Lederer had guided the association through a period of significant change and growth. So the surprise Sept. 21 announcement that Lederer had resigned, effective immediately, left many unanswered questions for the association and its members.
The announcement itself, made by NPMA President Laura Simpson during a conference call with the NPMA Board of Directors, caught some board members by surprise.
“It was kind of a shock and certainly nothing I wanted to hear because Rob’s a friend of mine,” Mike Rottler, president, Rottler Pest & Lawn Solutions, told PCT. “[The announcement] really lasted maybe five minutes. They moved on to the convention topics and basically ended it without any discussion — which I thought was a little strange — but, hey, it is what it is.”
Russ Ives, president of Rose Pest Solutions, Troy, Mich., said he “had not had any indication, and I don’t think the other members of the executive board had really either.”
Immediate questions about this development, including exactly why Lederer resigned, had yet to be answered at press time. While Lederer will be staying with NPMA for six months in a consulting role, the timing of the resignation — less than a month prior to NPMA PestWorld 2012 — raised questions among many industry members contacted by PCT. In the release NPMA distributed following the announcement, Lederer stated that it was “time to pursue new challenges,” but he did not expound on his plans.
Simpson told PCT “Rob doesn’t even know yet. He is taking some time to figure that out, and in the meantime he can help us through this transition. He will be available to us [while] he’s looking for a different challenge.”
What's Next? In the wake of the announcement, NPMA’s Executive Committee began making preliminary transition plans.
Simpson said NPMA decided not to hire an interim executive vice president, but rather NPMA senior staff will divvy up Lederer’s responsibilities. “The team works so well and individually they all have areas of expertise and all work hard,” she said. “They will come together as a team to work together. The different functions of Rob’s have been reassigned to senior staff.”
At press time, Simpson said that members of NPMA’s Executive Committee were making plans to visit NPMA headquarters on a weekly basis to support NPMA staff and assist in various capacities.
Ives said NPMA is still working through the details of Lederer’s consulting role, but that his involvement in the transition is welcomed. “Seventeen years of experience is something that you don’t write off,” he said. “There are obviously things that will be of importance to the association that he’s probably in the best position to help inform us. I presume as we go through a search process that, similarly, a successor will value whatever input may be provided that way.”
NPMA board members contacted by PCT expressed confidence that the transition will go smoothly largely because NPMA has a strong and experienced staff in place. Todd Leyse, president of Adam’s Pest Control, Hamel, Minn., said, “I’m sure lots of rumors will fly and staff may be worried and less focused on their job, but long term it should have little effect as our membership is a strong group and the remaining staff are wonderful.”
Ives concurred, adding, “We are blessed with a very seasoned and capable staff. We are fortunate in that so many of the senior staff has been engaged in that for many, many years, so that’s a blessing, and also a credit to a lot of what Rob has done. Not all of them, but most of them have come on during the time that he was there.”
PCT’s calls to Lederer were not returned. — Dan Moreland, Jodi Dorsch and Brad Harbison
PCT will provide additional reporting on this development at
West Nile Virus: The Worst is Over
ATLANTA — West Nile virus numbers in the United States continued to climb into September, but the worst of the outbreak should be over, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
The number of West Nile virus cases reported to the CDC as of Sept. 18 was a total of 3,142, including 134 deaths caused by the disease. Of these, 1,630 were classified as neuroinvasive disease, such as meningitis of encephalitis, and 1,512 were classified as non-neuroinvasive, according to the CDC.
As of press time, the 3,142 cases reported in 2012 is the highest number of West Nile virus disease cases reported through the third week of September since 2003 — whereas similar to-date counts throughout summer had the highest reported numbers since WNV appeared in the U.S. in 1999, as reported by PCT in the September issue.
Is it still the “worst year ever?” According to the CDC’s Dr. Lyle Peterson, as of Sept. 12, the answer is yes.
“The number of neuroinvasive disease cases is the highest to-date. We consider neuroinvasive disease the best indicator of the scope of the epidemic, since these cases are most consistently reported, and thus we still continue to believe that this year’s outbreak is the most serious outbreak to-date, since West Nile virus was discovered,” Peterson, director of the CDC’s Division of Vector-Borne Diseases, said during a telephone media briefing on Sept. 12. As of that date, the number of neuroinvasive cases stood at 1,405.
Petersen said that it appeared the outbreak had “turned a corner,” as outbreaks in the U.S. tend to peak in mid- to late-August. WNV season typically lasts into October, he added. — Bill Delaney
Date Book |
Send your announcement at least 14 weeks in advance to For additional dates, visit Nov. 7-8: Forshaw Educational Seminar and Tom Forshaw Jr. Golf Tournament, Charlotte, N.C. Contact: Cathy Phillippi, or call 704/887-2999. |
Industry Mourns Loss of Jeff Johnson
VIRGINIA BEACH, VA. — Jeff Johnson, longtime vice president and operations manager at A-Active Termite & Pest Control, passed away in September at age 49.
Johnson, who was president of A-Active at the time of his death, is survived by his wife of 14 years, Amy, and son Michael, as well as other extended family members. He also leaves behind his family at A-Active Termite & Pest Control, including “wingmen” Kevin Kordek and Chuck Roach, and his many friends from the pest control industry.
A former U.S. Marine, Johnson joined the pest control industry in 1984, when he went to work for Paramount Pest Control. While at Paramount, Johnson became a co-worker and friend of Kordek. In 1995, Kordek left Paramount to purchase A-Active, and Johnson soon joined his friend, becoming general manger. Four years later he was promoted to vice president of operations. Under the direction of Kordek, Johnson and the rest of the A-Active team, the Virginia Beach company has become one of the pest control industry’s true success stories.
Johnson also was an active Virginia Pest Management Association (VPMA) member and served as its president. He was an Associate Certified Entomologist (A.C.E.) and earned VPMA’s prestigious Industry Stewardship Award. Johnson was a tireless advocate for education and research, working closely with VPMA to develop quality educational programs and continuing education opportunities. Donations can be made to Johnson’s Hope for a Cure, P.O. Box 41204, Norfolk, VA 23502.
FTC Charges Bed Bug Companies with Deceptive Advertising
WASHINGTON, D.C. — The Federal Trade Commission last month filed deceptive advertising charges against two marketers of remedies for bed bug infestations, who allegedly failed to back up overhyped claims that they could prevent and eliminate infestations using natural ingredients, such as cinnamon and cedar oil. One marketer also allegedly made misleading claims that its products were effective against head lice.
In one of the two cases, RMB Group and its principals have agreed to settle the charges relating to its Rest Easy bed bug products. In the case against Cedarcide Industries and others, challenging their marketing of Best Yet! bed bug and head lice treatments, the defendants have not settled, and the FTC is beginning litigation against them.
In both cases, the FTC charged the marketing companies — as well as the individuals behind them — with deceptive advertising for claiming that their products can stop and prevent bed bug infestations. The Cedarcide defendants also are charged with making deceptive claims that their product can stop and prevent head lice infestations, and that the federal government endorses and is affiliated with their product.
The Cedarcide Industries defendants market BEST Yet!, a line of cedar-oil-based liquid products they claim will treat and prevent bed bug and head lice infestations. The defendants sell the product to consumers nationwide. They also sell it to hotels and other commercial establishments for treating bed bugs, and to school districts for treating head lice. Consumers can buy the product online, by phone, at the Cedarcide website and at
RMB Group marketed Rest Easy, a liquid solution containing cinnamon, lemongrass, peppermint and clove oils. The company sold it to retail chains Bed Bath & Beyond, Walgreens and Big Lots, which in turn sold it to consumers primarily for use when staying in hotel rooms.
The FTC complaint charges that the RMB Group defendants make unsupported claims that Rest Easy kills and repels bed bugs, and that a consumer can create a barrier against them by spraying the product around a bed.
The settlement imposes a $264,976 judgment against the Stuart, Fla.-based RMB Group. The judgment is suspended because of the defendants’ inability to pay.
Comings & Goings |
The North Carolina Pest Management Association (NCPMA) welcomed its leadership team for 2012-13 in July. The new officers include President Mitch Taylor, Capital Pest Services, Raleigh; Vice President Scott Canady, Canady’s Services, Lumber Bridge; Secretary and Treasurer Lee Smith, Rid-A-Pest, Morehead City; and Past President Burns Blackwell, Terminix, Greensboro. The officers will serve a one-year term ending July 2013. Univar Environmental Sciences recently announced a number of moves within the company. Trace McEuen has been promoted to vice president and general manager; John Tunison has been promoted to vice president of finance and administration; Karl Kisner has been promoted to vice president of marketing; and James Osuch has been promoted to vice president of human resources. Gregory Pest Solutions, Greenville, S.C., hired Mark Van Ostenbridge as food protection director. Valent BioSciences announced David S. Luker has been named business manager of the company’s Environmental Science division. His responsibilities will include market and strategy development. A-Active Termite and Pest Control, Virginia Beach, Va., promoted two employees in July. Keith McCormick was promoted to operations and quality assurance manager, and Billy DeLeon was promoted to assistant quality manager. Control Solutions hired Jay Bradley as technical service manager for its pest control division. Bradley will be providing CSI’s customers and sales team with technical service and product information. Entomologist Ronald Ross has joined the staff of Boston-based Ultra Safe Pest Management as director of IPM operations and staff entomologist. Jim Fredericks, director of technical services for the National Pest Management Association, earned his doctorate in entomology and wildlife ecology from the University of Delaware in May. Suzanne Graham, director of governmental affairs for Massey Services, Orlando, is president-elect of the Florida Home Builders Association. Greg Weatherly was named vice president of technical services and training for Truly Nolen, Tucson, Ariz. Bug Doctor Termite & Pest Control, Paramus, N.J., appointed Thomas R. Greve as director of national sales. Greve will manage the sales and business development for all divisions of Bug Doctor, including Bird Doctor Nationwide, Mosquito Doctor, Animal Doctor and Bedbug Doctor. |
Liphatech to Manufacture Soft Baits Domestically
MILWAUKEE, WIS. — Liphatech has opened a new soft bait production line for FirstStrike and Resolv soft baits at its Milwaukee, Wis., headquarters. Until 2012, all Lipha-tech soft bait was produced at a Liphatech facility in Europe. The purpose of the move was to keep ahead of increasing demand and have increased flexibility to quickly meet the changing needs of the marketplace, the firm said. To ensure that the formula would remain the same, Liphatech personnel worked in Europe for weeks, first setting up the company’s machine in France and testing manufacturing using U.S.-sourced ingredients, then shipping the machine back to the states and reassembling it in the U.S. facility.
According to Liphatech, soft bait is easy to use, is wax-free, remains secured and has proven performance even in extreme temperatures — attracting rodents with a combination of aroma and high palatability. For more information, visit
BASF Acquires Becker Underwood
LUDWIGSHAFEN, GERMANY — BASF plans to acquire Becker Underwood for a price of $1.02 billion. The company, headquartered in Ames, Iowa, is one of the leading global providers of technologies for biological seed treatment, seed treatment colors and polymers, as well as products in the areas of biological crop protection, turf and horticulture, animal nutrition and landscape colorants and coatings. Becker Underwood has 10 production sites worldwide and 479 employees. BASF came to an agreement with Norwest Equity Partners (NEP) to acquire Becker Underwood, which has been a portfolio company of NEP since 2004. The purchase is subject to approval and legal closing of the transaction is expected by the end of 2012.
“We are impressed with Becker Underwood’s ability to translate growers’ needs into innovative, tailor-made solutions that can promote higher yields while conserving resources. Becker Underwood is to become part of BASF and we are excited that together with our new colleagues we can continue expanding our competencies. Particularly in the rapidly growing seed treatment market, we will be able to develop innovative solutions for agriculture,” said Dr. Andreas Kreimeyer, research executive director and member of BASF’s Board of Executive Directors responsible for the Agricultural Solutions segment.
Becker Underwood is expected to have sales of $240 million for fiscal year 2012, which ended Sept. 30. As part of the acquisition, BASF’s Crop Protection division will create a strategic global business unit called Functional Crop Care. The unit will merge BASF’s existing research, development and marketing activities in the areas of seed treatment, biological crop protection and plant health, as well as water and resource management with those of Becker Underwood. Becker Underwood’s animal nutrition business will be integrated into BASF’s Nutrition & Health division.
“Becker Underwood has a strong position in North America. We will continue to expand this core business as we expand globally. Together we can sustainably create value for our customers,” said Markus Heldt, president of BASF’s Crop Protection division. “We are thrilled at the prospect of working with the highly qualified employees at Becker Underwood.”
“I think the top line of the story here is addressing the changing needs of our customers and broadening our portfolio to have a broader range of solutions to address the changing needs of the marketplace,” said Nevin McDougall, senior vice president of BASF’s Crop Protection Group in North America. “Whether that’s the row crop market, the turf industry, landscaping, ornamentals — clearly our customers, our end users have a lot of changing needs.”
Upon receiving legal approvals, the majority of Becker Underwood’s business will be integrated into BASF’s Crop Protection division.
A+ Business Brokers: 30 Years in Business in 2012
HIGH SPRINGS, FLA. — A+ Business Brokers ( has been representing pest control operators and owners involved in mergers and acquisitions since 1982. It was the first business brokerage firm to specialize in providing merger and acquisition opportunities to the pest control industry exclusively and sets itself apart from other firms by having industry experience as owners and operators of pest control companies, the firm says.
“When a business owner has spent years in building their company, it is imperative that the professional you hire to represent your business spends the time identifying and considering all aspects of the business,” said Al Woodward, A+ Business Brokers’ CEO. “...A local broker may not be experienced or familiar enough with the pest control industry, often resulting in valuations that are higher than the market will bear, leaving the owner in the seller’s market for a number of years without much prospect activity. My experience has been that when valuations are considerably below market value, the company usually sold fairly quickly.”
For additional information about the company, contact Woodward at 386/454-3333,, or Tammy Dosenbach, 727/239-9800,
Copesan Announces New Service Providers
MeENOMONEE FALLS, WIS. — Copesan Services last month welcomed new service providers to the national Copesan network:
- Arizona Exterminating Company, Phoenix, Ariz.
- Patton Termite & Pest Control, Wichita, Kan.
- World Pest Control, Plainville, Kan.
These three pest management companies join current Copesan service providers in the transition of Copesan’s national clients previously serviced by Schendel Pest Services, Topeka, Kan. Copesan disengaged from Schendel in August after its acquisition by Terminix.
Copesan service providers also servicing national clients in this geography include: McCauley Services, Benton, Ark.; McCloud Services, Hoffman Estates, Ill; Hi-Plains Pest Control, Liberal, Kan; Northwest Exterminating, Tucson, Ariz; ABC Home and Commercial Services, Dallas, Texas; and Rottler Pest and Lawn Solutions, St. Louis, Mo.
With the full support, cooperation and assistance of Schendel Pest Services, the Copesan team will complete the transition of its national clients to these new service providers by the end of this month.
Bulwark Expands its Phoenix Footprint
MESA, ARIZ. — Bulwark Exterminating, Mesa, Ariz., acquired Premier Pest Management, a Phoenix area-based company that generates close to $1 million in annual revenues.
Under the terms of the agreement, Premier Owners Sandra Hellems and Becky Garr become stakeholders by retaining rights to a portion of future receipts in perpetuity (paid monthly).
Premier Pest Management, founded in 1997, has become a successful service provider in the Phoenix area under the direction of Hellems (a company founder) and Garr, who joined in the ownership of Premier in 1998. The company, which does 90 percent residential business and employs 10, has shown steady growth during the past 10+ years, recording $999,000 in revenues for 2011.
Tucker Discusses Finer Points of Pest Control in SDS Seminars
INDIANAPOLIS — In putting together the program for its 2012 half-day Skill Development Seminars featuring Jeff Tucker, BASF examined results from its 2011 PMP survey. The result was a comprehensive program focusing on fleas, bed bugs and perimeter pests that visited 18 cities this year.
Why fleas? In the early 1990s, veterinarians dominated the flea control business, but over time their products have become less effective and flea business is starting to return to the industry. Tucker provided insights into proper application techniques, treatment materials and how to best manage customer expectations. One of the take-home flea messages from Tucker was that PCOs should provide customers with a “prep list,” and on that list include a statement that says, If the resident is not properly prepared, treatment will be re-scheduled to another day. “If you try to treat in an unprepared area, you are not going to get to all of the areas you need to,” Tucker said. “The customer won’t get their money’s worth. You won’t do as good of a job as you could and somebody is going to be unhappy.”
In terms of bed bugs, the most significant problem Tucker said he is finding is with tenants, management companies, building owners and some pest control companies. “I’ve been involved in a lot of litigation and at the root of most of the problems is miscommunication and poor training or education.”
Tucker said a problem he’s observed with PMPs is not doing more rigorous inspections. “You need to make active inspections,” he said. “Yes, disassemble the bed and check behind the headboard. But go beyond that. Get on your hands and knees and check the carpet tack strip.”
Regarding perimeter pests, Tucker reviewed new pyrethroid label changes. Earlier this year, EPA began enacting what it calls “common sense limitations” intended to reduce the amount of pyrethroids entering bodies of water. What this means for PCOs, Tucker said, is that they will need to reconsider the products and methods to control perimeter pests using an IPM-based program. “Remember, the job of the PMP is to make bad things happen to the environment of these creatures that we call perimeter pests,” he said. “This might mean trimming back bushes. It’s much broader than simply applying pesticides.”
Tucker also provided recommendations for strategies to control fleas, beg bugs and perimeter pests by using BASF’s SmartSolutions for these pests. The idea behind SmartSolutions was to combine some of the industry’s best products, strategies and support to create innovative solutions to existing and emerging pest control challenges, according to BASF. For more information visit — Brad Harbison
PCO News |
Please send press releases about your firm to
The Puget Sound Business Journal announced its annual list of the Eastside Private Fastest-Growing Companies, and Cascade Pest Control, Redmond, Wash., ranked 34th out of 50. “We are delighted to have been the only service company to rank in a decorated field of outstanding software developers, banks, consultants and other ‘white collar’ firms,” said Don Leland, general manager of Cascade Pest Control. Johnson Pest Control, Sevierville, Tenn.; Northwest Exterminating, Tucson, Ariz.; and Batzner Bed Bug Services, Wisconsin and Illinois, have joined bedbugFREE, a national network of pest management firms committed to the guidelines and practices of BedBug Central.
Colony Pest Management has launched an overhauled website, Joseph Sheehan, president of Colony Pest Management, said the firm’s older, “clunkier” website was overdue for an update. “The website was eight years old and was not that easy to navigate,” Sheehan said. “We also have added a lot of new services and products that we were not showcasing properly on the old website.” Sheehan said the new site is more crisp and has a better layout. |
New Video Demonstrates Use of Transport Mikron for Food-Handling Establishments
PHILADELPHIA, PA. — A new three-minute video from FMC Professional Solutions takes PMPs step-by-step through the use of Transport Mikron insecticide in food-handling establishments. Featuring Director of Pest Control Services Rich Smith and Greg Strohl of Rose Pest Solutions, Northfield, Ill., the video shows how to gain control of pests in food-handling and in entry areas. Using a crack-and-crevice application, they demonstrate how to apply the product in a commercial kitchen, where there are plenty of harborage areas for pests like ants and cockroaches.
The new supplemental label for Transport Mikron allows use of the product as a spot or crack-and-crevice treatment in both food areas and non-food areas of food-handling establishments in all states except California, where registration is pending. To view the video, visit the FMC Pest YouTube channel

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