Reader Feedback, December 1999


In response to a letter to the editor in the August issue of PCT titled "Reader Opposes IAC," I find it amazing that a pest control operator of 30+ years cannot appreciate the importance of the IAC campaign. We have been in the business for more than 40 years and have also built a strong market share and reputation; however, the industry as a whole has always had a somewhat negative image since we use that evil word "chemicals."

In this day and age of the information superhighway, our customers and prospects are becoming more informed and conscientious about the products we use and their effects on the environment. To me, this campaign is not a burden, but rather a mission to establish and maintain what we have all worked so hard for.

As this PCO noted, we all have also earned out business through hard work and dedication. That is all the more reason why we should unite in this proactive campaign. The times change and the only way to be successful is to adapt to those changes.

Steven Leidinger, President, Home Pest Control, West Columbia, S.C.


As a PCO and former small business owner, I would have welcomed the SpectracidePRO line. The bottom line is important to small business owners.

My concern, however, is the fact that the product line will be marketed through the Home Depot chain. Despite training of their personnel, the aisles of their stores are either overtaxed or undermanned. There is a distinct difference between buying the wrong hinge or power tool and the purchase and application of the wrong chemicals. The latter has far-reaching consequences.

While at the store, I observed, and assisted, homeowners considering the purchase of a product for use in their home. If I hadn’t interrupted, they would have bought the wrong chemical. This shows the need to more tightly restrict the purchase of these chemicals by unknowledgeable persons. While I applaud United Industries for their attempt to help the little guys, I believe it to be a wrong move for the industry as a whole.

Additionally, the State of Florida has laws governing the application of these chemicals by lawn maintenance companies. The majority of these small businesses (those that choose to apply chemicals) are not properly licensed. They subject the entire pest control industry to more legislation and scrutiny because when there is a problem, they are interpreted as being part of our industry.

Jake Lekan, Certified Pest Control Operator, Punta Gorda, Fla.

Readers are invited to write PCT letters, 4012 Bridge Ave., Cleveland OH 44113. Or, you may fax letters to Jodi Dorsch at 216/961-0364. You may also e-mail letters to Letters may be edited for space or clarity.

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