Reader Feedback, February 1998

Thanks for recognizing us at Columbus Pest Control, Inc. with the PCT/Zeneca Professional Products Leadership Award. I am truly honored to receive the prestigious award and be a part of the “Leadership Award Winners.”

I appreciate all your efforts in working with us to prepare our story. My family, employees and I were very pleased with the story. I also want to thank PCT for the very nice words you had to say about our firm, employees and my family at the award ceremony. Thanks again for your support of the pest control industry and best wishes for continued success!

Lonnie Alonso Columbus Pest Control Columbus, Ohio


My most heartfelt congratulations to Stoy Hedges on his being selected PCT Professional of the Year! Certainly there is no one more deserving of this prestigious award than Stoy. There can be little doubt that behind the scenes of all his articles, books, and his outstanding effort on the 8th Edition of the Handbook of Pest Control, lies a tremendous amount of hard work and sacrifice of precious personal time.

But it is through this labor and sacrifice that Stoy, as but one professional, has made such significant contributions toward moving our industry forward. Pest management professionals everywhere are the benefactors of his efforts.

Bobby Corrigan
RMC Pest Management Consulting
Richmond, Ind.


The other day, I attended a local pest control association meeting where “The Chlordane Mentality” was explained. One of our larger, well-known and successful, nationally active owners was my benefactor. Although I thought I had an idea of what this was, he redefined it. He proceeded to explain that our current problems with termite treatments were the result of the Chlordane Mentality and that with chlordane, “we used only twenty-five percent of label rate but got great results.” Now, “we’re using the same rate with current products,” and “it just ain’t working.” This gentleman referred to the fact his callbacks were up and most everyone he talked to had the same problem.

Well, I can’t speak for anyone but myself, but this was not what I thought the Chlordane Mentality was, nor was it the cause of our industry’s problems. Through the years of chlorinated hydrocarbons and into our current products, my company has followed the label as closely as possible. “Cost us some business too.” No, we’re not at 100% of the label all the time, but we are a heck of a lot closer than 25%. Our callbacks have not increased, we issue contracts on our pretreats, damage repair, etc.

Apparently, a nationwide problem exists. The “99 Syndrome” (99A and 99B) gives prudence to this, especially if you read the small print and see that a new word is present; “criminal,” as well as civil penalties. If you think they are kidding, go to your local library and read the reference statutes. For those who may honestly believe, as I do, that 100% label rate is currently questionable, I offer this:

1. Have the chemical companies provide the factual data to back up the label.

2. If this is not available, let’s put the wheels in motion for new studies and research to get a correct label.

3. Let’s get new treatment procedures in place that will actually help us get a continuous barrier.

4. For pretreatments, encourage programs to educate the builders in helping us protect and create a continuous barrier. When we do these programs, let’s not forget or overlook those guys who are actually laying in new construction.

5. Let us continue to create a communication bridge between regulators and operators that creates professionalism on both sides.

I think the gentleman’s explanation of the Chlordane Mentality says it all — we have a problem and now we know what it is.

Lanier James
James Pest Management
Memphis, Tenn.

Readers are invited to write: PCT Letters, 4012 Bridge Ave., Cleveland OH 44113.

February 1998
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