WASHINGTON, D.C. — The Small Business Survival Committee (SBSC) released its sixth annual rankings of states according to their respective policy climates for small business and entrepreneurship in the "Small Business Survival Index 2001." Nevada came out on top.
The index ties together 17 major government-imposed or -related costs impacting small businesses across a broad spectrum of industries and types of businesses, including personal income taxes, capital gains taxes and corporate income taxes. These measures are combined into one index number — the Small Business Survival Index.
"The Small Business Survival Index manages to capture much of the governmental burdens impacting critical economic decisions — particularly affecting investment and entrepreneurship," said economist Raymond Keating.
Following are the complete state rankings for the Small Business Survival
Index 2001:
Small Business Survival Index: State Rankings
Rank State SBSI Score
1 Nevada 27.060
2 South Dakota 28.250
3 Washington 32.010
4 Wyoming 32.150
5 Florida 33.180
6 Texas 34.250
7 New Hampshire 36.250
8 Alabama 36.830
9 Mississippi 38.160
10 Tennessee 39.540
11 Colorado 39.870
12 Michigan 40.205
13 Illinois 40.290
14 Alaska 40.880
15 Virginia 41.310
16 Indiana 41.820
17 Missouri 42.213
18 South Carolina 42.520
19 Louisiana 43.304
20 Arizona 44.178
21 Massachusetts 44.755
22 Pennsylvania 44.880
23 Georgia 45.350
24 North Dakota 45.379
25 Arkansas 45.420
26 Idaho 45.590
27 Maryland 46.310
28 Oklahoma 46.920
29 Delaware 46.950
30 Wisconsin 47.380
31 Nebraska 48.430
32 Kentucky 48.610
33 Connecticut 48.830
34 Utah 49.242
35 North Carolina 49.590
36 Oregon 50.010
37 New Jersey 50.360
38 Montana 50.979
39 Iowa 51.073
40 Ohio 52.870
41 West Virginia 53.120
42 Vermont 53.514
43 New York 54.005
44 California 54.860
45 New Mexico 55.410
46 Minnesota 55.890
47 Kansas 55.980
48 Maine 56.150
49 Hawaii 57.235
50 Rhode Island 59.011
51 Dist. Columbia 65.335
Just when you thought you’d heard it all, researchers are now saying that female cockroaches can hear their biological clock ticking away.
The study, which recently appeared in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, reports that reproductive aging caused by delayed mating resulted in reduced "choosiness" by female Nauphoeta cinerea, a cockroach that has reproductive cycles and produces live young, according to authors Patricia J. Moore and Allen J. Moore.
The study shows that female roaches beyond optimal mating age lower their standards, and females that were beyond the optimal mating age (six days post-adult molt) required considerably less courtship than their younger counterparts. Females who were older when they mated had fewer offspring per clutch and fewer clutches than females who mated young. Thus, reduced choosiness was correlated with a permanent reduction in fertility.
Tick, tock.
LIVINGSTON, N.J. — A cockroach named "Shundler" was the winner of the 12th annual "New Jersey Cockroach Derby," held on Aug. 16 at the Cook College campus of Rutgers University, New Brunswick, N.J. The derby was sponsored by the New Jersey Pest Management Association (NJPMA). The two cockroaches were named after New Jersey gubernatorial candidates, Bret Shundler and Jim McGreevey.
"The ‘McGreevey’ roach was a slow starter and, after watching the crowd, he tried to make a last minute dash, but the ‘Shundler’ roach had too big of a lead by that time," said Leonard Douglen, executive director, NJPMA. NJPMA uses Madagascar "hissing" cockroaches for the race because of their size and ability to respond to stimuli.
The derby" was part of NJPMA’s Annual Clinic and Tradeshow, which offered a day of seminars on new and emerging trends in insect management.

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