In late February, at NPMA’s annual Legislative Day, hundreds of pest management professionals made their way to Washington, D.C., to discuss with their representatives and senators a number of issues affecting the industry.
About 500 pest management professionals traveled to Washington, D.C., on Feb. 26 and 27 to learn more about the issues facing the industry today, as well as to meet with their Congressmen, as part of the National Pest Management Association’s 14th annual Legislative Day.
During those two days, pest management professionals from across the country heard from speakers and from NPMA officials about three issues in particular: pest management in schools, pesticide riders to fiscal year 2002 funding bills and the implementation of the Food Quality Protection Act. NPMA presented attendees with position papers on each of the subjects so that PCOs were well prepared when meeting with their Congressional officials.
In late March, officials from NPMA, Responsible Industry for a Sound Environment, the American Crop Protection Association, the Consumer Specialty Products Association and more, met with Congressional officials discussing a potential industry-sponsored bill related to pest management in schools. But as of press time, the coalition of industry groups had found no one to sponsor the bill.
"PCOs scouted out a lot of promising prospects but we’re still looking for a sponsor," said Bob Rosenberg, director, government affairs, NPMA. "But without Legislative Day, the meetings we’ve had wouldn’t have been possible. This is a hard issue but without (the PCO) meetings, it wouldn’t even remotely be the same."
For the most up-to-date information about legislative issues facing the pest control industry, be sure to stop by
Far left: CNN Anchor Judy Woodruff speaks to PCOs on Monday afternoon. The session was sponsored by Dow AgroSciences.
Left: NPMA’s Bob Rosenberg, director of government affairs, talks to PCOs before they go "up on the Hill" to talk about pest management in schools, pesticide riders to funding bills and the implementation of FQPA.
Top: Bill O’Reilly, anchor and executive producer of The O’Reilly Factor on Fox, talks to PCOs on Monday afternoon. Seen daily on Fox News Channel, The O’Reilly Factor is currently the fastest-growing news program in America.
Middle: Lonnie Alonso, left, accepts the FMC Legislative Day Award from FMC’s Don Claus. The award was created to honor those individuals who have distinguished themselves in the pest control industry through their participation in industry activities and events, or through their contributions to advancing the industry.
Bottom: Former NPMA president, the late Bob Russell, was also a recipient of the award. His son, Dale Russell, accepted the award in his father’s honor.
All photos by Sonny Odom, ©2001.

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