Termite Control: Critical to the Industry’s Success

Wow! What a ride it’s been. When we take some time to reflect on the past few years, it’s easy to see all that we as an industry have overcome. Being declared an essential service? Check. Growing through the pandemic? Check. Becoming more flexible and nimble pest management providers as our customers required new types of services? Check. Figuring out new ways to address our supply chain issues on both the PMP and supplier side? Check. But what’s next? No one knows for sure but inflation, a tentative economy and continued issues with employee recruitment and retention seem to be at the top of the list.

No matter what comes our way, the pest management industry and its owner/operators are known for their resourcefulness and resiliency, able to power through the most challenging of times. PMPs (and suppliers) need to continue to think about how to best solve their customers’ problems, ensuring the right mix of products is always at the ready, but always with an eye on the future.

And speaking of the future, it looks bright for the termite control market. According to the data in this 2023 State of the Termite Market report, 56 percent of PMPs said they anticipate the percentage of their location’s revenue generated from its termite control services in 2023 to increase. That’s great news for the marketplace!

The crucial information on the following pages is important for PMPs to compare their businesses to, and to understand what others in the market are doing to respond to industry changes, challenges and opportunities. This report, which BASF is proud to have sponsored since 2017, shares insights from the people who matter the most — your peers.

At BASF, we’re always trying to learn more about the market overall, but it’s also so important for us to understand your individual business needs as well. By digging more deeply into the details of the termite industry, it helps your sales representatives understand the subtleties of the market and the opportunities and challenges our customers — like you — are experiencing.

Our goal is to help you solve termite control problems for your customers through our industry-leading termiticides that include technologically advanced injection, monitoring and baiting systems. No matter what type of termite control product you prefer, BASF has the product for your toolbox.

From our baits — Trelona® ATBS Annual Bait Stations and Advance® Termite Bait Stations for monitoring — to our liquids, including Termidor® HE High-Efficiency Termiticide and Termidor SC Termiticide/Insecticide, our products are backed by a dedicated team of experts who can answer your questions, provide resources or training — whatever you need to be successful and to ensure your customers’ satisfaction.

Thank you for the work you do each day to move our industry forward by protecting properties from termites. Remember that BASF is here to assist you and your company in any way we can!

Joe Schuh, Ph.D.

Head of Technical Service

BASF Professional & Specialty Solutions

February 2023
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