[Tech of the Year Award] Motivated to Succeed

B&B’s Todd Walker, the Termite Technician of the Year, is as enthusiastic about helping customers as he is about insects.

Todd Walker has always been fascinated by insects — what they do; why they do it; how they help; how they hurt. He focused on the sciences in college so he could learn even more about insects’ habits and habitats.

Still, Walker will be the first to tell you that success in the termite business isn’t as much about the bugs as it is the relationships. The communication. The education. The trust you build by sharing your knowledge and capabilities with the customers you serve. Knowing how to establish and nurture those relationships is what makes Walker so successful at what he does.

"Here in Florida, everyone deals with termites at one time or another," Walker explains. "The most important thing we can do to help our customers deal with them is to educate them about what to look for — things like exit holes in sheetrock, baseboards bubbling up and mud tunneling up the side of their house. If they alert us in time, we can control the termites before they become a major issue. We tell customers how to prevent termite activity as well, and we stress the importance of annual inspections."

MAKING A DIFFERENCE FOR THE PLANET. Walker has been a technician with family-owned B&B Exterminating Company, Jacksonville, Fla., for the past seven years. After only three years on the job, he was promoted to lead termite technician. He’s had opportunities to move into other areas within B&B but has chosen to stick with termites because he enjoys the diversity of challenges he encounters each day, and because he’s making personal progress in changing customers’ perspectives on termite control.

"Todd has upsold probably two-thirds of his customers to our all-natural botanical products," says B&B President Jessica Miner, who points to Walker’s willingness to learn as the pivotal factor in his ability to sell the company’s most advanced control products. "His passion for the environment is undeniable: When we set out to develop a green program, Todd did tons of research and participated in a number of seminars to ensure that we were giving our customers the real thing: an environmentally safe service 100-percent free of toxins."

From Walker’s perspective, "It makes the customer feel good to know they’re protecting the environment by using pest control products made from plant oils. The botanical products we use at B&B are effective as long as you apply them correctly. I show customers where they should caulk to seal up cracks and crevices, and then recommend the green products to further ensure pest prevention."

FROM PAPER PEDDLER TO SALES LEADER. Green products aren’t the only thing Walker’s great at selling. He’s one of B&B’s leaders when it comes to sales. His co-workers say he just has a knack for it. And it’s no wonder: He started selling when he was only 6 years old.

"My aunt and uncle had a newspaper press in Nevada, and they gave me my own route," he recalled. "There I was, at 9 years old, walking into casinos to ask people to buy my papers. I wasn’t scared because I knew that the more I sold, the more I would make. I learned back then that if you believe in what you’re selling, you can sell a lot of it."

And Walker does believe strongly in B&B’s people, products and services. In fact, he spends his downtime coming up with ideas to help others see what he sees in his company. He is actively involved in trade shows the company participates in and has been a driving force behind the company’s distinctive booth. "We need to have a presence and stand out," he says. "When I got a new truck, I had it wrapped with our promotional message. I figure, I drive all over Florida, why not make the most of it?"

Walker’s ingenuity doesn’t stop with promotion, either. He is always thinking about how B&B can diversify its services to better serve its current customers while attracting new ones. Based on his previous experience with fire ant treatments, for example, he suggested B&B add fire ant control to its portfolio of services. "Everyone at B&B is always open to hearing new ideas," Walker says. "I could not work for a better company. When any one of us comes up with an idea, more often than not it gets put into action, because everyone’s ideas are respected and seriously considered."

ALWAYS THERE TO LEND A HAND. It wasn’t so long ago that Walker began his job with B&B, and he remembers how great it was having co-workers who helped him learn the ropes. He pays those kindnesses forward today by sharing his expertise and insights, taking new employees out on the truck with him and, in general, serving as a mentor. He also fills his co-workers in on anything new he learns in his quest to continually build his knowledge and improve performance.

Customers feel his eagerness to help just as strongly. "One of the things customers like most about Todd is that they know he’s honest and he’s there to help," says general manager Allen Oliver. "He will never tell someone that they need something they don’t. He doesn’t sell just to sell. He always puts the customer’s best interests first."

"Todd understands that you need to be yourself with customers," Oliver continues. "He takes the customer’s newspaper up to the door, extends his hand and builds the relationship. And customers really do appreciate him, because he’s a genuine person who instills confidence and peace of mind."

In addition to being genuine, Walker is motivated. He comes to work early every morning, and approaches each new day as an opportunity to make a difference in the lives of the people around him. His energy is contagious, and his work ethic unmatched.

"From the start, Todd was a quick learner, and he grew into one of the best technicians/supervisors/sales reps I’ve ever worked with," says manager Cliff Wheeler, who trained Walker when he was a technician himself. "Not only is he great at what he does, but he’s also self-motivated. The enthusiasm he brings to work every day makes everyone here strive to perform better. I’m proud he’s part of our team."

The author is a Solon, Ohio-based contributing writer to PCT and can be contacted via e-mail at ddefranco@giemedia.com.



Todd Walker is committed to not only his profession but also his community and family. Spending time with his 6-year-old daughter, Kylie, is his favorite thing to do, and he sets a good example for her by volunteering for a variety of causes.

He often contributes his time and talents to Habitat for Humanity, where B&B provides free termite services, and he has participated in a variety of fundraisers and awareness-raising campaigns, including the 2009 and 2010 Zoo Walk for Autism Awareness (with several co-workers), and the 2009 Green Walk. A member of Calvary Baptist Church, Walker often volunteers his cooking skills for cookouts and other church functions.

Walker is also a member of Anytime Fitness, because he believes strongly in good health and fitness — tools that invariably keep him fresh and alert throughout the workday.

February 2011
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