UC Riverside's Lee Receives NCUE Distinguished Achievement Award

Dr. Chow-Yang Lee was presented the award in Salt Lake City at this year’s National Conference on Urban Entomology, where he delivered the Arnold Mallis Memorial Award Lecture.

Chow-Yang Lee
Chow-Yang Lee
UC Riverside
RIVERSIDE, Calif - UC Riverside Professor and Endowed Presidential Chair in Urban Entomology Chow-Yang Lee has been presented with the 2022 Distinguished Achievement Award in Urban Entomology in recognition of his contributions to the field. 
Considered the highest recognition urban entomologists can receive in the field, Lee was presented the award on May 16 in Salt Lake City at this year’s National Conference on Urban Entomology where he delivered the Arnold Mallis Memorial Award Lecture.
Lee is an expert in the biology and management of insect pests that impact commercial, industrial, and residential settings in urban environments. He joined UCR's entomology department in 2019 after spending nearly 25 years as a faculty member at Universiti Sains Malaysia. His research centers on the behavioral, ecological, and physiological adaptations of urban insect pests such as cockroaches, termites, and bed bugs, particularly understanding how they help them thrive in the urban environment. Lee and his students design, evaluate, and integrate multiple management tactics to provide a system-level approach towards urban pest management.
Recently, the Lee Lab has conducted research on German cockroaches and bed bugs and found practical solutions to managing insecticide-resistant populations while minimizing the risk associated with neurotoxic insecticide treatment by developing low-toxic approaches. Other research projects include studying population genetics of invasive species in Southern California. Lee’s research benefits not only the field of entomology, but housing management professionals, public health agencies, and California residents who deal with pest control.