Your Go-To for Cockroach Cleanouts

Field and lab trials prove Advion Trio, containing three active ingredients, is “powerful stuff.”

Raymond VanderLouw was a little skeptical when he tested Advion® Trio cockroach gel bait.

The former technical director at Prosite Pest Control in Ellensburg, Washington, normally uses multiple treatment strategies to control cockroaches. This time, he applied only Advion Trio to an apartment with a high-level German cockroach problem.

Bait acceptance was immediate. “I put a drop of bait down and cockroaches were eating it off the tip of the syringe,” he recalled.

But the real payoff came two weeks later at the follow-up visit. He pulled out appliances and emptied cupboards.

“All I found was a lot of dead cockroaches. I didn’t find a cockroach that was moving.”

To say VanderLouw was pleased is an understatement. “The results we got aren’t typical for a regular bait. I’m pretty impressed,” he said.

VanderLouw also tested Advion Trio by itself in a single-family home and in the common kitchen of a low-income apartment building. He got similar results.


Advion Trio contains three active ingredients: indoxacarb and the insect growth regulators (IGRs) pyriproxyfen and novaluron. The combination controls roaches at every stage of their life cycle.

Indoxacarb is well known for its effective control. Because of the MetaActive™ effect found in all Advion brand products, the insecticide is activated only by the digestive enzymes of target insects, leaving non-target organisms largely unaffected. The two IGRs also reduce German cockroach populations, as proven by new research.

A lab study1 by NC State University researcher Coby Schal, Ph.D., found that when adult female cockroaches were exposed to either pyriproxyfen or novaluron, their egg cases failed to hatch.

Their impact on immature cockroaches was significant as well. Nymphs exposed to pyriproxyfen, a juvenile hormone mimic, never molted into adults during the 35-day study. A large number were melanized, or light-colored, indicating they did not molt properly.

In addition, pyriproxyfen killed about 50% of first-instar nymphs by day 20.

The chitin synthesis inhibitor novaluron killed even more cockroach nymphs faster.

“We saw mortality of the first instars begin on day four and it increased to 100% by day 13. Even with the larger nymphal stages, we saw 100% mortality by day 18, so no adults emerged within that 35-day trial period,” said Laurie Riggs, insecticide brand manager for Professional Pest Management (PPM) at Syngenta, North America.

Laurie Riggs, Insecticide Brand Manager for PPM at Syngenta, North America

Advion Trio was put to a real-world test by Purdue University. In a 46-week study2 led by researcher Ameya Gondhalekar, Ph.D., the bait was applied weekly over four weeks in 23 low-income apartments in South Bend and New Albany, Indiana. The units were cluttered and had sanitation issues with competing food sources.

No baiting took place in weeks five to eight. Monthly maintenance baiting occurred from week nine to 26, rotating between Optigard® Cockroach gel bait and Advion Trio. Cockroach populations were monitored through week 46.

“The results showed that after four weeks of baiting with Advion Trio, we reduced cockroaches by 88%,” said Riggs. Through week 46, researchers achieved 90% control.

Chris Keefer, Ph.d., Technical Services Manager for PPM at Syngenta, North America

“The fact that not all the apartment units in the buildings were treated and to have that kind of result is really astounding,” said Riggs.

Even several months after baiting with Advion Trio stopped, cockroaches with stunted growth and twisted wings were documented. “That suggests these IGRs are active for long periods of time in very low concentrations in German cockroach populations when introduced through Advion Trio,” said Chris Keefer, Ph.D., technical services manager for PPM at Syngenta, North America.

Working Smarter

Advion Trio saves time and boosts productivity in the field.

“One of the advantages of this product is that right away, you introduce three different active ingredients in one bait,” said VanderLouw. “That completely eliminates a couple of steps. Anything that speeds up the process is amazing.”

He plans to use the bait for initial services and cleanout jobs at commercial and multi-family residential accounts. IGRs are key if you don’t know the full history of pesticide use or the true size of the cockroach population at a new account.

“There is no documented resistance to IGRs. That’s really important for resistance management. The inclusion of two IGRs in Advion Trio helps you get better control of those nymphs,” said Riggs.

VanderLouw also plans to add Advion Trio to his rotation of maintenance baits. It delivers “a knockout blow” as part of a comprehensive treatment strategy, he said.

A proven strategy is the SecureChoiceSM Cockroach Assurance Program (, which provides step-by-step treatment protocols for guaranteed results against the pests.

Keefer, a former pest management professional, offered tips for applying the cockroach gel bait. First, conduct a thorough inspection. Second, put out the appropriate volume of bait per your inspection according to the label.

Third, if you see early-instar nymphs during inspection, you’re close to a harborage area. “Those are the areas where you want to put bait because gravid females, immatures and foraging adults will have access to it,” said Keefer.

Immature and gravid female cockroaches don’t venture far from harborage sites. Instead, they feed on the excretions of foraging adults that return to the harborage after eating the bait. A lethal dose of insecticide is picked up this way.

“We’re killing significant numbers of cockroaches in that secondary and tertiary transfer with three active ingredients,” said Keefer. “It’s powerful stuff.”

To meet pest management professionals’ demand for gel baits like Advion Trio, Syngenta recently invested millions of dollars in new, state-of-the-art equipment. This has nearly tripled its gel bait production capabilities.

1 German Cockroach Lab Trials Evaluating Each AI (Indoxacarb, Pyriproxyfen, and Novaluron) Separately. Dr. Coby Schal (North Carolina State University), Trial ID: PPMU21838
2 German Cockroach Trial in Low-Income Housing. Dr. Ameya Gondhalekar (Purdue University). New Albany and South Bend, Indiana, Trial ID: PPMU22235


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Performance assessments are based upon results or analysis of public information, field observations and/or internal Syngenta evaluations. Trials reflect treatment rates commonly recommended in the marketplace.
© 2024 Syngenta. Important: Always read and follow label instructions. Some products may not be registered for sale or use in all states or counties and/or may have state-specific use requirements. Please check with your local extension service to ensure registration and proper use. Advion®, For Life Uninterrupted™, MetaActive™, Optigard®, SecureChoiceSM, the Alliance Frame, the Purpose Icon and the Syngenta logo are trademarks or services marks of a Syngenta Group Company. All other trademarks are the property of their respective third-party owners. Syngenta Customer Center: 1-866-SYNGENT(A) (796-4368).


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