Anne Nagro
Contributor to PCT Magazine
Recent Articles
How to Succeed with Electronic Rodent Monitoring
Electronic rodent monitoring offers huge potential to elevate your rodent control program. But to use it successfully, you’ll need to figure out a few things first.
How to Improve Pest Control in the Perimeter
Tips for reducing callbacks in tough, outdoor environments, including focusing on insect hot spots, improving calibration and substrate considerations.
Invasive Pests Kill So Many Trees Each Year, It’s Equal to 5 Million Car Emissions
Invasive insects and pathogens have wreaked havoc on ash, elm, chestnut trees and others, wiping some of them almost completely from American forests. In addition to the ecological impact, a Purdue University study shows that the carbon storage lost to these pests each year is the same as the amount of carbon emitted by 5 million vehicles.
Back to Bed Bug Basics
Key observations and tried-and-true tactics for controlling bed bugs, whether you’re new to bed bug work or just need a refresher.
Nine Tips to Control Squirrels
Integrated Pest Management offers the best way to control nature’s most tenacious and active critters.
Reactive vs. Proactive Bed Bug Service
For years, pest management professionals have sought to make bed bug service a recurring revenue stream. Many PMPs are now figuring it out. Here’s how.
How to ‘Go Green’ in Mosquito Control
Clients who choose green mosquito services may be more motivated to help technicians, which leads to more effective control and less aggravation. Another possible motivator: fear of mosquito-borne illness.
Bed Bug Research Round-Up
Two recent university studies suggest new ways to improve bed bug control, especially when dealing with insecticide-resistant pests.
How Exit Interviews Can Improve Your Termite Service
Why do termite renewal customers leave? One PMP decided to ask. He learned communication, not service, was the issue and by listening, got a blueprint to improve it.
PMPs Urged to Contact Congress in Support of Rodenticide Use
The Rodenticide Task Force and National Pest Management Association are urging pest management professionals to contact members of Congress in support of justified, practical and science-based mitigation measures for rodenticides.