July 2007
PCT News: [Copesan University] Out-of-the-Box Thinking Required
News Coverage: [July News]
Pesticide Issues: [View Point] When Silence is Not Golden
Cockroaches: [Pest ID] Smokybrown Cockroach
Technically Speaking: [Technically Speaking] And They Do Nothing
Vertebrate Pests: [Vertebrate Pests] Restaurants and Rodents, part 2
Cockroaches: [Cockroach Control Issue] Rotation Application
Cockroaches: [Cockroach Control Issue] Cockroach Biology Guide
Public Health: [University Research] Insecticide-Resistant Bed Bugs: Implications for the Industry
Public Health: [Public Health] West Nile Virus: Education Is Key — Knowledge Is Power!
Public Health: [Focus on IPM] IPM Helps Keep Health Care Healthy
Business Strategy: [Credit & Collections] Cash or Credit?
Cockroaches: [Cockroach Control Issue] Soup's On!
Termiticides: [Product Update] A Novel Approach
Cockroaches: [Cockroach Control Issue] An Inside Look
Spiders: [Focus on IPM] Sticky Spiders
Business Strategy: [Industry Trends] Lockdown
People: [PCT on the Road] Purdue Honors John Osmun with Endowed Professorship
Cockroaches: [Cockroach Control Issue] Maximizing Cockroach Control with Baits
Cockroaches: [Cockroach Control Issue] Next Generation of Cockroach Control
General Pest Control Products: [Focus on IPM] Steam-powered Pest Control
Pesticide Issues: [Cover Story] Could it Happen Here?