October 2006
![October 2006](/remote/aHR0cHM6Ly9naWVjZG4uYmxvYi5jb3JlLndpbmRvd3MubmV0L2ZpbGV1cGxvYWRzL2ltYWdlL2NvdmVycy9wY3Qvb2N0MDZjb3Zlci5qcGc.bzbezBguoHE.jpg?format=webp)
PCT News: [2006 State of the Industry] Pest Control Grows as Cities Grow
PCT News: [2006 State of the Industry] Technology Adoption Slow, But Growing
PCT News: [2006 State of the Industry] Recruitment Issues Concern PCOs
PCT News: [2006 State of the Industry] A Cooling Termite Market
PCT News: [2006 State of the Industry] To Raise or Not To Raise?
PCT News: [2006 State of the Industry] Gas Pains
PCT News: [2006 State of the Industry] Rising Revenues, Rising Costs
PCT News: [2006 State of the Industry]
PCT News: The Patent
PCT News: The Inventors' Stories
PCT News: 5 Steps to Bringing Your Invention to Market
PCT News: A-Ha!
PCT News: [International Update] Not So Different
PCT News: [Rodent Control] Three & Out
PCT News: [PCO Profile] Joe Mallon is...The Exterminator
PCT News: [Pest Identification] Big Deal
PCT News: [Market Opportunities] A Wave of the Future
PCT News: [Market Opportunities] Going Green
PCT News: [Research Update] Fine-Tuning Backyard Mosquito Control
PCT News: [Industry News] Hurricane Recovery Slow and Uneven
PCT News: [PCO News] The Long Road Back
PCT News: [Conference Update] Mergers & Acquisitions
PCT News: [University Research] University of Kentucky: Bed Bugs Exhibit Resistance to Pyrethroids
PCT News: [Technically Speaking] Tough problems - no easy answers
PCT News: [Pest Profile] Saw-Toothed Grain Beetle
PCT News: [PCO News]
PCT News: [View Point] Pesticide sales on the Internet: Time for action
PCT News: [2006 Leadership Profiles] Laurel Hansen
PCT News: [2006 Leadership Profiles] Joe Thomas
PCT News: [2006 Leadership Profiles] Joe Lupini