Ramsey, Sparks Share Military, Pest Control Journeys

With May being National Veterans and Military Families Month, PCT caught up with a pair of Ohio pest management professionals who served in the military. U.S. Marine Corps veteran Dave Ramsey, director of service quality, Terminix International, is based from his home in Ridgeway, Ohio, while Brad Sparks, a U.S. Army veteran, is owner/operator of Elite Pest and Termite Control, Pataskala, Ohio.

With May being National Veterans and Military Families Month, PCT caught up with a pair of Ohio pest management professionals who served in the military. 

U.S. Marine Corps veteran Dave Ramsey, director of service quality, Terminix International, is based from his home in Ridgeway, Ohio, while Brad Sparks, a U.S. Army veteran, is owner/operator of Elite Pest and Termite Control, Pataskala, Ohio. 

Although Dave Ramsey and Brad Sparks served in the military many years apart, their stories have a lot of striking similarities. PCT editor Brad Harbison interviewed both Ramsey and Sparks to give them the opportunities to tell their stories.