Bart Baker of J.T. Eaton Announces Retirement

Baker was senior vice president of the family business; his retirement is effective Oct. 1.

Bart Baker.

 TWINSBURG, Ohio - Bart Baker has announced his retirement as senior vice president of J.T. Eaton & Co., effective Oct. 1, the company announced.

Baker's father, Stanley Z. Baker, purchased the company in 1949, founded 17 years prior as a mail-order house for pest control products. Bart Baker and his brother Ben grew up in the business, helping their parents fill orders at the warehouse and eventually learning the sales and management operations, the company said.

Baker said he has always enjoyed working with pest management professionals, whether demonstrating J.T. Eaton's latest IPM innovation at a trade show or helping to troubleshoot a tough rodent or insect account.

"I think I'll miss the people the most," he said. "But I know I'm leaving the company in excellent hands. Ben is still heavily involved in the day-to-day operations, and Dale is well-versed on the ins and outs of the industry."