Bayer Announces Maxforce FC Select Roach Killer Bait Gel Promo

The company is offering an unlimited special savings of $20 per case on Maxforce FC Select Roach Killer Bait Gel, now through Jan. 31.

Bayer announces special savings on Maxfoce FC Select Roach Killer Bait Gel. The company is offering an unlimited special savings of $20 per case on Maxforce FC Select Roach Killer Bait Gel, now through January 31, 2012. Maxforce FC Select is the ideal solution for maintenance control of normal and bait-averse strains of cockroaches. With the active ingredient, fipronil, Maxforce FC Select kills cockroaches within eight hours by ingestion, contact, and the Domino Effect, and is proven to work effectively even when sanitation is poor and competing food sources are available.

“As the leader in bait technology, we’re pleased to announce special savings on Maxforce FC Select, which is an essential tool for any pest management professional (PMP) looking for effective maintenance control of cockroaches,” said Gordon Morrison, Maxforce marketing manager. “PMPs simply need to ask their Bayer distributor for the special sale price when purchasing cases now through the end of January.”

For more information on Maxforce products, visit, your local Bayer authorized distributor, contact your local Bayer field sales representative or call Bayer customer service at 1-800-331-2867.