Bio Sanitation Critical to Controlling Cockroaches in Commercial Kitchens

With an effective bio sanitation program one key cockroach attractor can be eliminated naturally.

A commercial kitchen produces meals for hundreds of hungry customers every day, but organic build up in the drain, an overflowing garbage can, moisture near the dishwasher area, soda fountains, waitress station and food prep line and grease residue in traps can all also become an appetizing meal for cockroaches. With an effective bio sanitation program, however, kitchen managers can remove one key cockroach attractor naturally.

“It’s a great program for commercial and residential settings regardless of infestations. Probiotic sanitation helps reduce organic buildup, grease buildup and helps drains run freely while eliminating the need for bleach and harsh cleansers. Who doesn’t want that?” said Cat

Heisler, general manager for Pete’s Pest Control. “From a pest control standpoint, this indirectly helps eliminate food sources and harborage.”

Bio sanitation programs can play such a big part in pest prevention, that Ben Williams, owner and operator of Ben’s Bugs Be Gone, recommends and offers at minimum, a monthly treatment in each of his proposals. He said he considers an effective bio sanitation program 100 percent a must for any commercial kitchen.

David Marshall, CEO of Arizona Pest Squad., goes a step further and says he does not retain restaurant accounts unless they agree to a bio sanitation program as part of their cockroach solution.

“We actually utilize bio sanitation products as part of the service and teach them how to use it on a regular basis for the best results,” he said.

According to Heisler, pretty much every part of the kitchen should be addressed in an effective bio sanitation program, with special emphasis on drains, floors – especially under equipment, beverage trays, trash and garbage receptacles, grease traps, dishwashers, refrigeration and freezer drainage, prep tables, buffet tables, kitchen equipment and food storage areas.

Heisler, Williams and Marshall all agree a foaming product is optimal for cleaning any drains in a kitchen area. Marshall also uses it to remove build-up, odors and scrum.

“It’s super concentrated, easy to use, contains natural microbes, citrus oils, foam and works fast on build-up, scum and odors,” he said. “We find that citrus base products work great to deter roaches.”

Application method of the foam varies on the size of the job.

“I utilize a foam machine for large areas and sometimes for small jobs I utilize the aerosol cans of foam,” said Williams.

Heisler supplements her foam cleaning regimen with a daily floor cleaner equipped with microbes and citrus oil. The microbes inside permeate cracks and crevices in tiles, baseboards and drains to eliminate odors and organic buildup. Instead of traditional mopping, which pushes small particles of food and other organic matter into those cracks, crevices and voids, the mop pushes the microbes to the scrum, which they ultimately consume.

She also uses a slow dissolving solid block in grease traps, floor drains and beverage systems, weekly at first and then on a biweekly or monthly basis once baseline sanitation is achieved.

“The goal is to maintain sanitation while eliminating the use of bleach and cleansers that interfere with the beneficial bacteria,” she said. “Much depends on the conditions of the kitchen, cleaning intervals and the acceptance of bio sanitation products.”