Brown Recluse Spider Management: Correcting Contributing Conditions

Long-term relief from brown recluse spiders involves correcting and/or removing the conditions contributing to an infestation, where possible.

Brown Recluse Spider Management: Correcting Contributing Conditions
Brown Recluse Spider Management
Credit: Stoy Hedges

Editor’s note: The following excerpt is from the “Recluse Spiders” chapter from PCT Field Guide for the Management of Urban Spiders, 2nd Ed., by Stoy Hedges and Rick Vetter. The field guide can be ordered from the PCT bookstore at 

Long-term relief from brown recluse spiders involves correcting and/or removing the conditions contributing to an infestation, where possible.

  • Outside, items lying on the ground, such as piles of lumber and other debris, should be removed from the property (above image).
  • Firewood piles should be moved as far from a home as possible, stored off the ground and covered with plastic to keep it dry.
  • Heavy vegetation such as ivy and other ground covers should be cut at least 18 inches away from the building foundation.
  • Branches of trees and shrubs touching the house should be cut back away from the roof and walls of the building.
  • Improving poorly ventilated attics would likely be beneficial. Numerous soffit vents, together with ridge vents, make the best ventilating system for attics. The roof areas above small enclosed porches, carports, and breezeways also may benefit from installation of ventilation