CEMA Holds Annual Summer Meeting

A small group of entomologists gathered for social and professional networking at Certified Entomologists of Mid America's (CEMA) annual summer meeting.

A group photo of the entomologists that attended the meeting.
The group that attended CEMA's summer meeting. Front Row (left to right): Dan Moellenbeck, Mitch Meehan, Casey Burks, Shripat Kamble. Back Row (left to right): Stuart Mitchell, Phil Sloderbeck, Jeffery Preece, Tim Nowatki.

AMES, Ia. – Certified Entomologists of Mid America (CEMA) met for its annual meeting in Ames, Ia., on August 12.

CEMA’s annual summer meeting includes a round table review where attendees have an opportunity to share information about the latest in agricultural entomology, pesticide issues, new pests and new technology.

The host state for the meeting rotates among Kansas, Missouri, Iowa and Nebraska.