Detroit Bus Drivers Battling Bed Bugs

City bus drivers' union reports problem of infestation on city buses, while the Detroit Department of Transportation says the problem is not widespread.

DETROIT, Mich. – About 50 Detroit bus drivers have reported bed bugs on city buses within the past year, The Detroit News reported.

The union representing the city’s bus drivers has asked City Council to put pressure on DDOT to help curb the problem and stop the spread of the beg bugs. DDOT chief executive Ron Freeland told the newspaper the problem was not widespread, but said any buses reported to have bed bugs will be cleaned and fumigated.

However, the bus drivers’ union wants more aggressive action. Union president Henry Gaffney told The Detroit News DDOT should be taking preventative measures by treating the city’s bus fleet and terminals.

Read more from The Detroit News.

(Source: The Detroit News)


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